Thought for the day


Well-Known Member
Quit trying to please everyone. Get this through your head — you are not responsible for other people's happiness. It is exclusively other people's responsibility to please themselves. Be authentic and please yourself, which is perfect for running-off the people who need to go, and bringing-in the people who should be in your life. We sure aren't taught this as children are we? When children are taught to be "good" and keep everyone happy, it teaches them that they have the impossible burden of being responsible for other people's happiness. It teaches them that other people's happiness comes before theirs, and they wrap that concept up in a suffocating package called, "not being selfish." And what do you get for this so-called, "not being selfish"? Acceptance — but sadly, a false acceptance for being someone you are not, which often leads to never learning self-acceptance. I didn't say it, but we have surely all heard it, "to thine own self be true." Get selfish and quit worrying about other people's happiness. You are responsible for your own happiness. Take care of yourself. If you try to make everyone happy, everyone will be happy but you. You will never make people happier than by being a happy person yourself. And it all begins with simple self-acceptance.

— Bryant McGill


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24 Facts About North Korea That Will Make You Feel Relieved About Living In India.

1. It is not 2015. It is Year 104 in North Korea, counted after the birth of Kim Il-Sung.

2.2. North Korea is not communist anymore. Since 2009, their ideology is “Juche.”
North Korea claims to operate under the “Juche” ideology, or “rejecting dependence on others, using one’s own brains, and believing in one’s own strength,” according to Kim Il-Sung. Although not technically Communist, many of these ideas stem from ideologies of previous Communist leaders.

3.It is the world’s only nation to currently have a US Navy Ship captured.

4. Only military and government officials are allowed to own cars.

5. Kim Jon-un killed his uncle by throwing him naked in a cage of 120 hungry dogs. He then killed his entire blood line.

6. Kijong-dong is a model city built to attract South Koreans to North Korea from the border, but nobody actually lives there. It is a ghost city.

7. There are huge statues of the supreme leaders in public spaces.

8.All the buildings in North Korea are painted grey from outside.

9.If you get caught reading the Bible or watching porn, you will receive the death penalty.

10. It is illegal to take pictures of poor people because they believe it tarnishes the image of North Korea.

11. North Korea had to watch the 2014 world cup with a 24 hour delay.

12. There are 28 govt approved haircuts that citizens must choose from.

13. Wearing jeans is illegal in North Korea.

14. North Korea holds “elections” every five years with only one candidate participating in the elections.

While the voting takes place in secrecy, only one candidate’s name appears in the ballot sheet. The voter has the option to vote against the candidate by striking off his name, but that needs to be done in a separate booth without any secrecy! Voting is mandatory in the country and the turnout is usually around 100%.

15. North Korea enlists about 2000 women as the ‘Pleasure Squad’.
Attractive women to keep the top male officials “happy”.

16. It has a ‘3 generations of punishment’ rule.

If you commit an offence, you, your children and your children’s children will be punished for it.

17. There are currently 2,00,000 prisoners in about 16 camps.

While the exact number of camps is ambiguous and not verifiable via official sources, North Korean prison camps (also known as concentration camps) have been existing 12 times longer than the Nazi concentration camps and has exceeded all others in duration, intensity and horror. Only one person has escaped from one of these concentration camps in all these years and he has written a book named, ‘Escape from Camp 14.’

18. Half of North Korea’s 24 million people live in extreme poverty.
After the famine they suffered and the continuing food shortage after has been starving DPRK’s people.

19. North Korea has loudspeakers on roads and propaganda starts at random times of the day. Children in North Korean schools are taught about world’s greatest leaders, namely, Kim Jong I and Kim Jong II.

20. If you are a visitor, your cell phone will be confiscated at airports and returned when you leave the country.

21. You have to ask for permission before clicking any pictures and chances are, you will be denied.

22. You are not allowed to speak to unauthorized individuals and you will be escorted by a guide everywhere.

23. North Korea has only 3 T.V. Channels.

24. Oh and the Internet is not available for use.

While the world continues to take baby steps towards forming a more peaceful and loving community, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is still following brutal dictatorship. It is heart wrenching to realise that some of this world’s population is being treated in sub-human ways and that a few men’s ideology is destroying a country and keeping it from reaching its potential and be a part of world culture.
24 Facts About North Korea That Will Make You Feel Relieved About Living In India.

1. It is not 2015. It is Year 104 in North Korea, counted after the birth of Kim Il-Sung.

2.2. North Korea is not communist anymore. Since 2009, their ideology is “Juche.”
North Korea claims to operate under the “Juche” ideology, or “rejecting dependence on others, using one’s own brains, and believing in one’s own strength,” according to Kim Il-Sung. Although not technically Communist, many of these ideas stem from ideologies of previous Communist leaders.

3.It is the world’s only nation to currently have a US Navy Ship captured.

4. Only military and government officials are allowed to own cars.

5. Kim Jon-un killed his uncle by throwing him naked in a cage of 120 hungry dogs. He then killed his entire blood line.

6. Kijong-dong is a model city built to attract South Koreans to North Korea from the border, but nobody actually lives there. It is a ghost city.

7. There are huge statues of the supreme leaders in public spaces.

8.All the buildings in North Korea are painted grey from outside.

9.If you get caught reading the Bible or watching porn, you will receive the death penalty.

10. It is illegal to take pictures of poor people because they believe it tarnishes the image of North Korea.

11. North Korea had to watch the 2014 world cup with a 24 hour delay.

12. There are 28 govt approved haircuts that citizens must choose from.

13. Wearing jeans is illegal in North Korea.

14. North Korea holds “elections” every five years with only one candidate participating in the elections.

While the voting takes place in secrecy, only one candidate’s name appears in the ballot sheet. The voter has the option to vote against the candidate by striking off his name, but that needs to be done in a separate booth without any secrecy! Voting is mandatory in the country and the turnout is usually around 100%.

15. North Korea enlists about 2000 women as the ‘Pleasure Squad’.
Attractive women to keep the top male officials “happy”.

16. It has a ‘3 generations of punishment’ rule.

If you commit an offence, you, your children and your children’s children will be punished for it.

17. There are currently 2,00,000 prisoners in about 16 camps.

While the exact number of camps is ambiguous and not verifiable via official sources, North Korean prison camps (also known as concentration camps) have been existing 12 times longer than the Nazi concentration camps and has exceeded all others in duration, intensity and horror. Only one person has escaped from one of these concentration camps in all these years and he has written a book named, ‘Escape from Camp 14.’

18. Half of North Korea’s 24 million people live in extreme poverty.
After the famine they suffered and the continuing food shortage after has been starving DPRK’s people.

19. North Korea has loudspeakers on roads and propaganda starts at random times of the day. Children in North Korean schools are taught about world’s greatest leaders, namely, Kim Jong I and Kim Jong II.

20. If you are a visitor, your cell phone will be confiscated at airports and returned when you leave the country.

21. You have to ask for permission before clicking any pictures and chances are, you will be denied.

22. You are not allowed to speak to unauthorized individuals and you will be escorted by a guide everywhere.

23. North Korea has only 3 T.V. Channels.

24. Oh and the Internet is not available for use.

While the world continues to take baby steps towards forming a more peaceful and loving community, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is still following brutal dictatorship. It is heart wrenching to realise that some of this world’s population is being treated in sub-human ways and that a few men’s ideology is destroying a country and keeping it from reaching its potential and be a part of world culture.
Kim Jong executes defence chief with an anti-aircraft gun as the chief slept in a meeting.......:lol:

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