Thought for the day


Well-Known Member
11 Completely Surprising Facts That You'll Want To Know About China

Even though we live in an age where information about all over the world is right at our fingertips, we often still walk around in our own little cultural bubble with no knowledge of other parts of the world.
Well, here are some quick facts about China that you probably had no idea about. Now you can tell people that you're not wasting time on the're learning. You're welcome!

1. They're using geese as the new "guard dogs"
They have excellent hearing and are said to be intelligent and brave. "In some ways, they are more useful than dogs."

2. There are 13 million abortions performed each year in China

3. Traffic jams in Beijing cost approx. $11.3 billion
When the calculated time being wasted, gas use, and environmental damage was added up, they found that 70 billion yuan (which is around $11.3 billion) is the financial damage.

4. Air pollution in Beijing is like smoking a pack a day
Apparently, spending one day breathing the air in Beijing is the same as smoking 21 cigarettes.

5. Toilet paper was invented in China, and was only for emperors
So next time you're on the toilet and wipe yourself clean, take a moment and revel in the fact that you're on the porcelain throne and your bottom is getting the treatment of an emperor.

6. Fortune cookies are NOT a traditional Chinese custom
It was actually invented by a worker in the Key Heong Noodle Factory in San Francisco



Well-Known Member
11 Completely Surprising Facts That You'll Want To Know About China

7. Eggs cooked in a virgin boy's pee is a delicacy
They collect buckets of urine from primary school toilets (preferably, the boys are younger than 10) and cook the eggs in the pee. They say that it has health properties. Some doctor's disagree.

8. Pins are strategically placed to keep officer's standing at attention

9. They have a cellphone lane for pedestrians...
...although, it's only in a theme park. The marked out part is for cellphone users only, and there is even a sign to explain

10. Alice in Wonderland was banned in China
It was in 1931 that the ban was placed and it was because animals were using human language.

11. Police are trained to hold their arms at an exact height for the military parade
If this is how the train for a parade, imagine how they are trained for serious duties.

Source :


Well-Known Member
Good cards are not held by playing for the success but holding the success in playable cards is well noticed...

Brother .... moneycontrol is having traders fourm please delete other traders fourms information brother ...dont think other wise ...i am sorry to say this .....


Dax Devil

Well-Known Member
Brother .... moneycontrol is having traders fourm please delete other traders fourms information brother ...dont think other wise ...i am sorry to say this .....

It is a good quote, niftyoption. Applicable to all situations we humans face, trading is one of them. And also, it does not matter where it comes from as long as it makes sense. Besides, traderji is traders forum too.

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