Thought for the day


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10 people with the highest IQ in the world (Infographic)


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For Stephen hawking(amazing guy) -- helped us mortals understand the universe.. :lol::lol::lol: i would like to meet those mortals who have understood the universe .. if they had really learned something from these geniuses they wouldnt write something as stupid as this.


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According to the Geological Survey of 2006 in a year, 16. 4 tons per hectare in our country, the losing pitcher. 21 per cent of the oceans in the mud flows, such as 10 per cent of the water reservoir ponds, lakes, being deposited on the bottom. The storage capacity to hold water as the cause of the loss for the year 2 per cent. The traditions of the ancestors, the rules, which the indian old tradition .. ponds, rivers, bathing, prior to, or for the purposes of the water and pull the soil embankment fists before taking the top five in each individual kind of habit we should help ....

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