Thought for the day


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India has largest blind population

Of the 37 million people across the globe who are blind, over 15 million (1.5 crore ) are from India. What's worse, 75% of these are cases of avoidable blindness, thanks to the country's acute shortage of optometrists and donated eyes for the treatment of corneal blindness

Per Day Births in India 42,434
Per Day Deaths in India 22,500

If every person donate his eyes with in 333 days every blind per son get 1 eye from donor..

Young Blind Girl TUMPA kumari Singing Sun Raha Hai Na Tu

:clap::clapping::clap: :thumb:


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In Entire Mughals only one great person

Prince Dara Shukoh translating the Upanishads.


Prince Dara Shukoh, the eldest son of Emperor Shah Jahan, was like his great ancestor Akbar, a very liberal and enlightened Musalman and a true seeker of truth. Akbar respected all religions – Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Sikhism, etc., and gave their votaries complete religious freedom. He was ever keen to discuss and understand their religious beliefs, practices and philosophy and, in order to make the Musalmans familiar with the culture, and universal values, philosophy and traditions of India, he had the great epics of India – Ramayana and Mahabharat – translated into Persian. He also arranged for the translation of the Atharvaveda.

Continuing the unfinished work of Emperor Akbar, Prince Dara Shukoh too, assisted by the Indian scholars, translated Bhagvad Gita, Prabodha Chandrodaya (a philosophical drama written in 1060 A.D.), and Yoga Vashishtha into Persian. He also translated the Upanishadas, which are the fountain-head of Indian philosophy, with the help of learned Pandits from Banaras, well versed in the Vedas and the Upanishadas. The translation of the Upanishadas by him entitled Sirr-i-Akbar (The Grand Secret) was completed on the 28th June 1657, shortly before the commencement of the War of Succession, which he lost to his crafty and unscrupulous brother, Aurangzeb who ruled India from 1659-1707.

In the painting, Dara is shown translating the Upanishadas, assisted by Indian scholars.

Shah Jahan survived his confinement by nearly eight years and the disgraceful manner of his burial (Exhibit No. 5) will ever remain a stigma on this unscrupulous son Aurangzeb's advent to the throne in his father's life time was not welcomed by the people of India, because of the treacherous manner it was achieved; but public opinion became all the more hostile towards him when Prince Dara Shukoh, the favourite son of Shah Jahan, the translator of the Upanishads (Exhibit No. 2), and a truly liberal and enlightened Musalman, was taken prisoner on the Indian border, as he was going to Persia. Dara was paraded in a most undignified manner on the streets of Delhi on 29th August 1659. The French Doctor, Bernier, was an eye-witness to the scene and was deeply moved by the popular sympathy for Dara (Exhibit No. 3) which so much alarmed Aurangzeb that he contrived to have a decree from his Clerics announcing death-sentence for his elder brother on the charge of apostasy (Exhibit No. 4).

Throughout the War of Succession, Aurangzeb had maintained that he was not interested in acquiring the throne and that his only object was to ward off the threat to Islam, which was inevitable in case Dara Shukoh came to power. Many, including his brother Murad, were deceived by this posture. After his formal accession in Delhi (5th June 1659) he posed as a defender of Islam who would rule according to the directions of the Shariat, and with the advice of the Clerics or Ulama for whom the doctrines, rules, principles and directives, as laid down and interpreted in the 7th and 8th century Arabia, Persia and Iraq, were inviolable and unchangeable in all conditions, in all countries, and for all times to come.



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Today is 7th July

And whole India is celebrating The Birthday of Captain of Indian Cricket team ,Even people celebrating His Birthday from last 10 days , BUT No one Remember that on same day in 1999 Another Captain sacrifice his life for us .

On 19 June 1999, under the leadership of Captain Vikarm Batra, Indian army had snatched point 5140, a strategic peak, from right under the enemy's nose.

After this successful operation of Point 5140, Captain Batra volunteered himself for the next mission to recapture point 4875.
Though it was an uphill task considering it the point was 17,000 feet above the sea level, 80 degree steep centigrade along with razor sharp edges from both the sides.
However, recapturing point 4875 was crucial from India's perspective, as heavily armed infiltrators sitting at top could have dominated the road to Leh, accessed Mushkoh Valley and launched hefty attack on Indian troops.

The army was marching ahead under the leadership of Lieutenant Naveen (aide of Batra). On July 7, after a 36 hour long battle, Captain Naveen got badly injured after a deadly hand grenade attack from the enemy.
Amid deadly firing from the enemy, Captain Batra continually charged ahead holding gun in his hand, as he kept firing at the infiltrators. Until a bullet hit on his chest; with the words ‘Jai Mata Di’ on his lips, he fell down and as he lay there another bullet hit him in the waist by an artillery splinter.
Before giving away to his grievous injuries, this brave son of India killed another five enemy soldiers. The point 4875 was now under the control of Indian contingent, the national flag was waving there, but alas Captain was no more alive to celebrate the victory.

“I'll either come back after raising the Indian flag in victory or return wrapped in it, but I will come for sure,” last words of brave Captain Vikram Batra who snatched point 4875 from the enemies and waved the Indian flag there. In his honour, Indian government renamed it as Vikram Batra top.
Nicknamed Sher Shah (‘Lion King’) for his unstinting courage.
We salute the Real Captain Saheed Vikram Batra,bow down in respect.
Why do we always fail to respect true Heros ?
Fans despair over "celebrities gossip" not over Real life Heroes !



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