Time For Caution

Dear Kuldeep,
Thats what we are trying to say,whosoever mounts attack on Iran,whether U.S. OR Israel,will cause CRUDE oil to move up very sharply,you haven't understood the objective of what we are trying to convey,first read it carefully and then post your comments.
gaurav sapra
Whosoever you are,you have no sense what you are trying to say.........confused and amused .............so better make up your mind and then write.
i must say you lift your mindless comments from the post as already you have lost your credibility to stay in this highly sophiscated financial forum.
gaurav sapra
Guruji, nice to see you here,

Thanks for this humble response Mr.Czar.
hope to hear from you soon.
Gaurav Sapra
I think you misread baron the czar!!
If Im not mistaken he was referring as Guruji to Sunil Yagnik, the earlier poster and NOT to you!!

gausap23 said:
We are professional consultants in this field and provide Invesmtment/Trading suggestions to our clients.
Hope we will continue to share our vies/experiences on regular basis.
Gaurav Sapra
[email protected]
Im taking the liberty on behalf of traderji & the members here in saying that you are most welcome here to provide your enlightening views, as a part of impartation of your knowledge to the less previledged learners here. BUT please refrain from using this platform for your CONSULTING and touting for clients from the members out here. I can assure you that the members will all start retaliating in unision!
Once again a warm welcome to you & your dad in absentia.
Do keep posting your views SANS the advertisements. Thanks!
Hii. Help

I am looking to invest in the following stocks for period of 6 months duration. Please suggest me if it right or wrong


gausap23 said:
Whosoever you are,you have no sense what you are trying to say.........confused and amused .............so better make up your mind and then write.
i must say you lift your mindless comments from the post as already you have lost your credibility to stay in this highly sophiscated financial forum.
gaurav sapra
He is amused at ur post and confused as to when did u advice.;)


Well-Known Member
Re: Time For Decorum and decency

gausap23 said:
Whosoever you are,you have no sense what you are trying to say.........confused and amused .............so better make up your mind and then write.
i must say you lift your mindless comments from the post as already you have lost your credibility to stay in this highly sophiscated financial forum.
gaurav sapra

HI Gaurav
Nice to see somebody who says he is professional. You are welcome here and give your comments and also post your views which may benefit us all.
Also your father is wecome here to join as a member and post in his own right as well.

However, we all have different intelligence levels and it would be highly discourteous to tell somebody as having no sense or being mindless.Joining this forum itself is an act of high intelligence.

You have also not pointed out the unfortunate soul who is the target of your outburst.Surely , if you are professional you would never resort to such language, which would drive away your clientale.

We have something of a family up here so do keep decorum.

I will tell you one story abt monsoon when I get time for your monsoon impact.
For the time being Bye.
gausap23 said:
As suggested by us earlier to use this sharp fall in stock markets as excellent buying oppurtunity has paid of well.Investors have made descent returns over the past 10 days.
But now its time to get Cautious as both Domestic and international factors are pointing mixed cues...............................................
This advise of Caution is in complete contradiction with the reasons pointed out in the write-up. While all the factors show quite bearishness, the advise appears to be a play safe game true to the color of so called gurus. Does not it show a lack of confidence in one's own analysis??

I still wonder why anybody won't short with such a gr88 analysis of the bearish factors!!

gausap23 said:
Dear Kuldeep,
Thats what we are trying to say,whosoever mounts attack on Iran,whether U.S. OR Israel,will cause CRUDE oil to move up very sharply,you haven't understood the objective of what we are trying to convey,first read it carefully and then post your comments.
gaurav sapra
Dear Gausap23,

Your initial post said, "International Factors:- Any surprise attack by U.S. on Iran will cause Crude oil to shoot up, thereby causing sharp increase in inflation and interest rates. We have to watch this space very closely."

My comment was simply to point out that there is very slim chance of a surprise US attack on Iran given their preoccupations and their land-based military limitations ... so this factor can be safely ruled out of any analysis of the global situation. I understood your objective but respectfully do not agree with it. But thats my opinion and you are entitled to yours. My objective was to provide a differing point of view vis-a-vis US agressive intentions for the readers of this post. :)
all will appreciate if you could explain on what your general simple views of based. what is the basis. is it based on your research, or facts from various government of india economic publications, or any inner voice.

pl.substantiate your views.
Now tha a few of us here have given their opinion I will also share mine.
I think when this correction gets over,due to the sound fundamentals of our economy and growth driven by domestic demands,we will rise.
Pankaj here has been for the past 1 month implying it thru his excellent fundamental analysis backed up by F2 activities data.Anyboy who has been trading for the past 6 months will know and must have felt what all this is about.I suggest strongly for any new member going thru his thread 1st b4 reading any thing anywhere.I am not flattering you Jhaji(can I call u so):D .I think that he has said almost the last words on Fundamentals.Our markets are just reacting to global factors.
Also Jhaji has been advising(for ppl who want to invest,not for ppl who r short;) )not to go bottom fishing.Ppl get burned more in Intermediate trends rather than long term.Of course if ur Warren Buffet then go ahead and buy.;)
My post is due to the fact that u r advising ppl here.What in layman terms is called tips.And my dear tips are given after u have eaten ur food.
So desist in future to give tips.Of course u can contribute in this forum like Jhaji,AMITBE,Vinayji,VVONTERU.

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