Today's Buy Levels

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This is how we at traderji live & look like,welcome to our abode,however we trade almost everyday.
I can empathize with sanx, this thread never made sense to me before today. It was only today, I followed this thread (mostly Saint-ly blabbering) along with Nifty's slide and about halfway in to the day I leapt up from my chair with a "Oooh! Ahaa now I get it".

(Yes I still am in office ;) )
(And I don't trade but in cash)
I can empathize with sanx, this thread never made sense to me before today. It was only today, I followed this thread (mostly Saint-ly blabbering) along with Nifty's slide and about halfway in to the day I leapt up from my chair with a "Oooh! Ahaa now I get it".

(Yes I still am in office ;) )
(And I don't trade but in cash)
No Saintly Blabbering in this thread so mean the other Asish thread,......ah,then great......That ah-ha factor is everything!!

Great Going,and all the best!
No sir ,if you know my name ,you will understand how similing I am :) .
Some one who logs in at the evening on to this page sees 2 pages of chatting and few actual relevent discussions . If thats how it goes ,I am not the MOD :p .
But I am enjoying these thread and learning things along .I am not all stressed , I am trying to find something that can stress me out :D , trading should do .

PS - I am not trading now ( how wish I did ) , am I that one more stoopid IT jab .
Hi Sanx,

Most threads in the Equity Section of the Forum are not analysis threads,they aren't something you look at the end of the day......they are Action Threads.They happen in the now during market hours.

Sadly,the Equity Section has been clogged with tips givers and novices shouting buy this because their father-in-law said so...........

Traders have a lonely,monotonous existence.........this is their one and only outlet.Let them chat a bit,and feel the camaraderie around while they raid the markets...........Meanwhile,great if the beginners could learn something from these guys' wisdom as they chat away to great profits.

And,my friend,don't look for Stress.........Once you get a hang of Trading,no stress involved here as if you're looking for stress,wrong place.Think working under a boss,and strict deadlines,and traffic.......among many othersmthey are greater stress factors.:)

If I have not had already done so.....Welcome to the Forum and all the best!

No Saintly Blabbering in this thread so mean the other Asish thread,......ah,then great......That ah-ha factor is everything!!

Great Going,and all the best!
Oh yes! I stand corrected. I am yet to get the full hang of this thing. :eek:
I appreciate such friendly pats-in-the-back.
Hi Sanx,

Most threads in the Equity Section of the Forum are not analysis ---------------------------------------------

And,my friend,don't look for Stress.........Once you get a hang of Trading,no stress involved here as if you're looking for stress,wrong place.Think working under a boss,and strict deadlines,and traffic.......among many othersmthey are greater stress factors.:)


Though i am a silent learner/observer of the posts....cudnt help but express my feeling of wow.......on this one......

ashish any views on rel petrol.... brought 85 shares @ avg 175... should i hold or sell @ 168-9..???

also brought relcom @ 688 and relpower @ 400 (100 shares).... when should i sell.. or how long should i wait, especially the relpower.....????

failed to pick rolta @ 312 prices.... damn
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