Today's Buy Levels

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Thanks for ur timely advise Rajaram.. i booked profit in icici bank but could not able to sell SBI.. how is SBI looking on charts for monday. Sorry for asking u so many questions.

Thanks once again,
As far as the daily is concerned 1794 is the previous pivot high once that is crossed 1960 will be the next target . Have a look at the hourly as well before you decide to sell(the parallel lines are resistance levels) .
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Hi Rajaram,

I entered Unitech at 302 futures price and sold it at 306. Now am really repenting for this. I dont know every time i exit very early. May be fear is acting so much on me. I have done this mistake almost every day. Can u please let me know how do you exit usually. I always think of using trailing stop loss but these stop losses are always vulnarable and once it touches these SL again they will go up. So do u follow any other method to decide exits ?

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