Today's Buy Levels

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Hello Saint, Sudoku, Ashish, Savant, Renu (have been viewing the messages on stocks posted by the GURU;s)

I am new to traderji forum and learning lots of technicals..i see one term posted by you and google on that and learning more about it...

I have a query on Fortis Healthcare...Is this a buy at 78.3 (todays close)..I thought its forming/formed an IHS on daily charts??

Appreciate your response :)
If i can see the current downtrend correctly,
we are heading for the third bottom for the market which will make the end of the bear phase.( Triple Bottom Theory ).
My guess is that we should apply a wait and watch policy and start entering the markets for the joyride at around the 4500 levels on nifty.
Please advise on my thoughts.

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