Tracking Nifty PC OI w.r.t Option Writer


Well-Known Member
4900 put april, 220 points away, is trading at 70.5...
5300 call april, 180 points away, is trading at 66.5...

even though, 5100 put added 16% OI today....


Well-Known Member

I have changed image type to save bandwidth and faster access. I have added VIX Coloumn in Nifty Spot table.

Today Range just little bit increased by 5 points, but NF give nice swing. At Market closing NF Premium increased to 11 points. PCR increased by 10.81% which is good bullish sign.

Here we can see the China Wall at 5000 strike as Major Support Zone, and at 5100 lvl Put destroying the Resistance zone day by day and making another higher lvl support zone.

Today again all major action taken place at 5000 and 5100 lvl. Around 20.5 & 13 Lac Put OI increased at 5000 & 5100 lvl respectively. Here we can see the good amount of call option covering to clear the road to bull.



Well-Known Member

I have changed image type to save bandwidth and faster access. I have added VIX Coloumn in Nifty Spot table.

Today Range just little bit increased by 5 points, but NF give nice swing. At Market closing NF Premium increased to 11 points. PCR increased by 10.81% which is good bullish sign.
Hi Pralhad,

Good work.But loading of charts is slow.Perhaps JPG format of chart will
help.Please see the charts are within the page ,otherwise they will spoil
the Layout of the page.


Well-Known Member

I have changed image type to save bandwidth and faster access. I have added VIX Coloumn in Nifty Spot table.

Today Range just little bit increased by 5 points, but NF give nice swing. At Market closing NF Premium increased to 11 points. PCR increased by 10.81% which is good bullish sign.

Here we can see the China Wall at 5000 strike as Major Support Zone, and at 5100 lvl Put destroying the Resistance zone day by day and making another higher lvl support zone.

Today again all major action taken place at 5000 and 5100 lvl. Around 20.5 & 13 Lac Put OI increased at 5000 & 5100 lvl respectively. Here we can see the good amount of call option covering to clear the road to bull.

Thanks a lot for putting nice bar charts to help us interpret OI / PCR data.

Since last few days, today was the first time when we have seen CALLs disappearing at 5100 /5200 level and lots of new PUTs appearing at 5100 and 5000 level.
Looking at the volume of PUTs me it seems that it is purchase by biggies.

Though there are more new Calls have appeared at 5300/5400 level but call have disappeared from 5100/5200 level. So may be some hedging related purchase /or speculative buy by OTM call buyers
is taking place there.

This is just my interpretation. and I could be wrong in this reading. It is always tricky to read between the lines and find out the reason of who/why of change in OI.

Happy Trading

I have changed image type to save bandwidth and faster access. I have added VIX Coloumn in Nifty Spot table.
Thanks for sharing this excel. I will suggest to include SUPPORT & RESISTANCE Points based on Nifty data.

Pivot (Classic) Calculation:
The rule to calculate the floor (classical) pivot points is as follows:
Pivot (P) = (H + L + C) / 3
Resistance 1 (P1) = (2 * P) - L
Resistance 2 (R2) = P + H - L
Resistance 3 (R3) = H + 2 * (P - L)
Support 1 (S1) = (2 * P) - H
Support 2 (S2) = P - H + L
Support 3 (S3) = L - 2 * (H - P)
(H: high; L: low; C: close; P: pivot)

Above is its calculation.
Would U share its new version.



Well-Known Member
Looking at the volume of PUTs me it seems that it is purchase by biggies.
Thanks a lot for putting your view here. Since I am newbie, I realy don't know how to interpret and read the Option Volume. I and other reader of this thread will really appriciate if you put some rule regarding Option Volume based on your long observation and study. So it will be new dimension to interpret Option OI with Volume to get more insight and understanding. We are egarly looking forword for more input from your end.

This thread based on the foundation of Assumption that In most of the cases Biggies / Smart Money write the option, it may be wrong but if it hold good with more probabilities then it make sense. But I agree with you that its really tricky to interpret Option OI.



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