Tracking PUT CALL Open Interest

OI based on EOD from NSE Bhavcopy, All Contracts of Nifty and NSE Option Chain.

Hope there are no anomalies this time around.

Underlying Value As on 17-NOV-2009 15:30:33 Hours IST : 5062.25

%chn 16/11_CE 17/11_CE Strike 17/11_PE 16/11_PE %chn pcr_17/11 pcr_16/11
			Nov 2009					
-2%	265600	261500	4000	1100150	1143650	-4%	4.21	4.31
-4%	26450	25300	4100	792050	843650	-6%	31.31	31.90
-20%	28050	22550	4200	1245350	1346550	-8%	55.23	48.01
-2%	29750	29100	4300	1890300	1939500	-3%	64.96	65.19
-8%	77450	71600	4400	2660600	2762100	-4%	37.16	35.66
-4%	250300	240400	4500	4537600	4679400	-3%	18.88	18.70
-6%	815600	765500	4600	4316050	4661900	-7%	5.64	5.72
-4%	2193000	2113300	4700	5662800	5818200	-3%	2.68	2.65
-10%	2425400	2172050	4800	6268250	6219100	1%	2.89	2.56
-8%	2800650	2572800	4900	5792750	5948250	-3%	2.25	2.12
6%	3575650	3799350	5000	4978650	4904600	2%	1.31	1.37
[COLOR="red"]8%[/COLOR]	3765550	4079500	5100	1869450	1629400	[COLOR="Red"]15%[/COLOR]	0.46	0.43
6%	2903800	3086350	5200	261550	258350	1%	0.08	0.09
6%	1860700	1973100	5300	63150	63650	-1%	0.03	0.03
-5%	1175100	1119600	5400	33450	33450	0%	0.03	0.03
1%	833200	837700	5500	95800	95800	0%	0.11	0.11
-2%	365300	357200	5600	45350	45900	-1%	0.13	0.13
0%	228650	229250	5700	39450	39100	1%	0.17	0.17
1%  23620200  23756150  Total  41652750  42432550  -2%  1.75  1.80


Well-Known Member
Rangebound markets ... eating premium through time decay ...

Of course intra-day can affect and these OI are dynamic with market so maybe 2morrow can be an up day with short covering or down day with profit booking / long covering .. depends actiually .. but overall with these types of very small range of OI movements I see some range narrowing then some blast in one side ...

all is connected ... points to same destination with different tools / methods ...
OI based on EOD.

%chn 17/11_CE 18/11_CE Strike 18/11_PE 17/11_PE %chn pcr_18/11 pcr_17/11
			Nov 2009					
-3%	261500	254350	4000	1065850	1100150	-3%	4.19	4.21
-2%	25300	24850	4100	666650	792050	-16%	26.83	31.31
-7%	22550	21000	4200	1079100	1245350	-13%	51.39	55.23
-1%	29100	28950	4300	1785700	1890300	-6%	61.68	64.96
-2%	71600	70500	4400	2333700	2660600	-12%	33.10	37.16
-3%	240400	232850	4500	3880900	4537600	-14%	16.67	18.88
-5%	765500	729050	4600	4008050	4316050	-7%	5.50	5.64
-3%	2113300	2052450	4700	5440050	5662800	-4%	2.65	2.68
-5%	2172050	2064050	4800	7580550	6268250	[COLOR="Red"]21%[/COLOR]	[COLOR="red"]3.67	2.89[/COLOR]
-4%	2572800	2458750	4900	6088150	5792750	5%	2.48	2.25
7%	3799350	4084050	5000	5471450	4849800	[COLOR="Red"]13%[/COLOR]	1.34	1.28
9%	3997950	4367200	5100	2082150	1869450	[COLOR="red"]11%[/COLOR]	0.48	0.47
4%	3086350	3198900	5200	263900	261550	1%	0.08	0.08
4%	1973100	2042950	5300	63650	63150	1%	0.03	0.03
-2%	1119600	1092900	5400	33300	33450	0%	0.03	0.03
-1%	837700	828250	5500	79950	95800	-17%	0.10	0.11
-1%	357200	354750	5600	45400	45350	0%	0.13	0.13
-2%	229250	225700	5700	39400	39450	0%	0.17	0.17
2%  23674600  24131500  Total  42007900  41523900  1%  1.74  1.75
Notice the declining OI in lower OTM puts (4000 to 4700). Is this the profit booking before the fall?? Even an increase in OI of CE (5000-5300) mildly suggests the same.

However an increase in OI of 4800-5100 seem to suggest otherwise....:confused:


Well-Known Member
OI based on EOD.

Notice the declining OI in lower OTM puts (4000 to 4700). Is this the profit booking before the fall?? Even an increase in OI of CE (5000-5300) mildly suggests the same.

However an increase in OI of 4800-5100 seem to suggest otherwise....:confused:
IMO, 4000 to 4700 puts have served their purpose. Most likely they are going to expire worthless.. so people might be just recovering whatever they can.. and closing their positions.

Puts are building at and above 5100 level.. yesterday 5100 put were up by 15%. That means that someone is buying these puts at 85 Rs. of average mkt price (H+L / 2 of 5100 put today). This is indicating that the move up is going to be difficult.. with possible close below 5100-85 = 5015 for month end so that these PUTs give some return..

On the other hand,there is no action of any of the CALLs.. Just little bit of noise i.e. <10% change.

Will be good to track Dec action as we appraoch expiry. 5000/5100 Puts up by 17%, and 4900 puts up by 37% there. But 51/5200 calls are not moving much there.

If I can take a gamble trade, then I might go for 49 put.. and hope that global mkt breaks next week. That will make all new PUTs worthwhile. As not many bullish positions are coming up in last few days, I read it as market sentiment getting doubtful about upside from here and favouring downside or atleast playing cautious game and buying puts to protect their longs.

Don't get confused. Reading OI is not straight forward. Whatever I am writing is just my observations and interpretations. Trying to put multiple jig-saw pieces togather and attmepting to make sense out of it.

Hope this helps.

Happy Trading


Well-Known Member

I would probably take the liberty of asking an innocuous question that I was not able to comprehend. I use ODIN and while watching some stocks Futures move, they were continuously adding OI position. I mean from the morning the added positions were like 2-5-8-15% range but in last 20 minutes or so those with added percentage as high as 15 got reduced to 3-4%. This specially happened in stocks who were moving in a very tight range. What does that signify or am I reading too much into it?

IMO, 4000 to 4700 puts have served their purpose. Most likely they are going to expire worthless.. so people might be just recovering whatever they can.. and closing their positions.
I beg to differ Sir. Kindly clarify the confusion.

Put OI might have decreased as old PUT writers have bought the PUTs to close their open position. Why would someone do that when they are already in a sublime winning position? Maybe, they (read - SM) are sensing a fall, may not be as low as 4700 but maybe something like 4800-4900 which would not give them opportunity to free their money a bit early.

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