Hi Columbus, need more info on TT:
1. How to change colors of symbolls & candlesticks in TT? The default colors are there but if we change the backgroud color of the graph, then we need to change these two as well.
2. Is there any stock screening facility available in TT? Say I want to find stocks wherein EMA 15 > EMA 25 (SG's quadra formula) and EMA 50 in uptilt; can I do that in TT for either user defined group or predefined groups?
3. Does TT support sound signals? I mean, if I come up with a plan, say like quadra 9-15-25 crossover & EMA 50 uptilt; I want a signal to be generated in terms of SOUNDING THE BELL or something like that, can this be done in TT?
4. Is share mobile (Android based) as powerful as TT? Can plotting be done there with signal generation as asked above?
Thanks in Advance.....