trading futures on technical analysis with toocool


Well-Known Member
"Hi Toocool
hw ru?
I have gone through ur thread & impressed by your chart reading skills & trading style & psychology.
I am in learning phase ..& I am following only one technique which is price action....could you please suggest some good books...on price action,chart reading skills & any subject you think relevant for trading...


niftytauras asked me this

i seriously did not read much books can anyone please suggest ,what are the best books for price action trading?

the one i read was by larry williams , in which he told about gartley patterns and fibonacci ,but cant remember the name , anyone?


Well-Known Member

early breakdown of the right shoulder is even more bearish , it means bears are so much in control that bulls couldnt even defend the neckline for optimum period , that is equal or near equal to left shoulder ............targets of below 5500 are expected to be met rather sooner than later

the eralier bearsih h&s pattern has obviously failed , and now the new bullish h&s pattern has set out the upside target of 6150 about:)

its nobody's fault when pattern targets fail to materialize , even this may fail to , but since the trend is up ,which was the case when bearish h&s made and failed too , so chances pf meeting or getting close to upside target of 6150 is higher


Well-Known Member
thanks for the kind words sir , means a lot

if what i say makes sense , maybe i am on right path:)

i am not very intellectual and a slow learner :lol: , i first bought stocks when i was 19 , without any experience , did not make money ,due to losses stopped it , it was 1999 , then again when markets started the big bull run i didnt keep a watch , but as you know people talk and talk and bring your attention to it , i started again in 2006 , but due to no knowledge and due to satta couldnt make money again , and started futures trading as well , long story short made some money but lost double of it again in 2008 jan crash , it was a huge setback but i decided that i like markets and i will pursue it as a career , in oct 2008 started learning TA , i am just shy of 5 years of live trading in October 2013 next month.

so i was not very good in math ,not very intellectual ,just had passion for trading ,had only 1 hope to learn by ,that is by hardwork and passion, started learning at age of 28 and now i am 33 , i did not want to try many and many a systems , perhaps i am lazy thats why , and i think it worked for me positively because i neither seek more information and nor i filled up mind with everything crap available on internet , not to say that most systems do not work , but its just that if you are filled with tons and tons of info in your head , it becomes very heavy and confusing that you just loose it , everything. i was in Ashwani Gujral chat room just before started TA , and he bought this BLOOMBERG terminal for 90000 per month price ,thinking more info would help him give us good calls , but he stopped its services in just 2nd month itself i think , you see too much info becomes noise in your head , it lands you no where .

now i self traded during learning live in the markets and made no money in 3.5+ years , but i didnt stop , i thought if i am not talented (like tendulkar) then i will have to do hard work (like kumble, he himself said that he did it with hard work because he was not exactly a talented bowler).................but suddenly in last 6 months , something has changed (i think) i feel i know markets better ,and my 5 years experience probably has started paying off finally mysteriously, my approach has changed , i feel more confident if not at top of the markets but still much better than before , in last 6 months i did not loose money , yes i took some stupid trades , including jpassociates on thursday itself , but thats okay it will always happen , but one must correct mistakes asap, i also took great trades like ITC ,and FSL , which paid/paying well .did good in nifty as well starting july end , it was kind of exceptional trading ,if i compare it to my last 5 years ,not most amazing but amazing enough for me . not to forget that its only hardly 1 year since i stopped intraday trading and turned to swing trading .intraday trading experience helped me as i used to trade almost daily , and since markets are fractal in nature , you can see same patterns in every time frame so it helps you in making tons and tons of mistakes so that you learn with your mistakes and its the number of mistakes that count as your experience , the more you make ,more you learn , mistakes are integral part of trading . one must not be shy of his/her mistakes .

so well yeah , its all 5 years full time trading experience , that i am sharing with forum members in my all posts , its nothing heard of other people , its all mine , all of it:)

your hard work is showing the way earn market ...with this it is important to read charts and develop trade setup for trading.... thanks for sharing your experience
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Well-Known Member
The trading as a business is a very stressful job.

Not feeling good today, I have long position full qty , I am So involved in trading that social life has also taken a beating, I today have no idea why I am not feeling good today, maybe long position is not working out immidiately,also I don't sleep good for many days maybe that's taking a toll on my mind or whatever, but I am stressed out today :(


Well-Known Member
thanks for the kind words sir , means a lot

if what i say makes sense , maybe i am on right path:)

i am not very intellectual and a slow learner :lol: , i first bought stocks when i was 19 , without any experience , did not make money ,due to losses stopped it , it was 1999 , then again when markets started the big bull run i didnt keep a watch , but as you know people talk and talk and bring your attention to it , i started again in 2006 , but due to no knowledge and due to satta couldnt make money again , and started futures trading as well , long story short made some money but lost double of it again in 2008 jan crash , it was a huge setback but i decided that i like markets and i will pursue it as a career , in oct 2008 started learning TA , i am just shy of 5 years of live trading in October 2013 next month.

so i was not very good in math ,not very intellectual ,just had passion for trading ,had only 1 hope to learn by ,that is by hardwork and passion, started learning at age of 28 and now i am 33 , i did not want to try many and many a systems , perhaps i am lazy thats why , and i think it worked for me positively because i neither seek more information and nor i filled up mind with everything crap available on internet , not to say that most systems do not work , but its just that if you are filled with tons and tons of info in your head , it becomes very heavy and confusing that you just loose it , everything. i was in Ashwani Gujral chat room just before started TA , and he bought this BLOOMBERG terminal for 90000 per month price ,thinking more info would help him give us good calls , but he stopped its services in just 2nd month itself i think , you see too much info becomes noise in your head , it lands you no where .

now i self traded during learning live in the markets and made no money in 3.5+ years , but i didnt stop , i thought if i am not talented (like tendulkar) then i will have to do hard work (like kumble, he himself said that he did it with hard work because he was not exactly a talented bowler).................but suddenly in last 6 months , something has changed (i think) i feel i know markets better ,and my 5 years experience probably has started paying off finally mysteriously, my approach has changed , i feel more confident if not at top of the markets but still much better than before , in last 6 months i did not loose money , yes i took some stupid trades , including jpassociates on thursday itself , but thats okay it will always happen , but one must correct mistakes asap, i also took great trades like ITC ,and FSL , which paid/paying well .did good in nifty as well starting july end , it was kind of exceptional trading ,if i compare it to my last 5 years ,not most amazing but amazing enough for me . not to forget that its only hardly 1 year since i stopped intraday trading and turned to swing trading .intraday trading experience helped me as i used to trade almost daily , and since markets are fractal in nature , you can see same patterns in every time frame so it helps you in making tons and tons of mistakes so that you learn with your mistakes and its the number of mistakes that count as your experience , the more you make ,more you learn , mistakes are integral part of trading . one must not be shy of his/her mistakes .

so well yeah , its all 5 years full time trading experience , that i am sharing with forum members in my all posts , its nothing heard of other people , its all mine , all of it:)


Most of us are in the same boat. It does take that much time. I do not believe anyone who says otherwise. I think atleast 5 years of sincere learning and then some earning starts and then another 5 years of sincere TRADING and you can become a big time hot shot trader....

I think you are on the right path... you just need to figure out how to tackle stress on several levels. Else you will be thrown out of trading, firstly due to ill health.
The trading as a business is a very stressful job.

Not feeling good today, I have long position full qty , I am So involved in trading that social life has also taken a beating, I today have no idea why I am not feeling good today, maybe long position is not working out immidiately,also I don't sleep good for many days maybe that's taking a toll on my mind or whatever, but I am stressed out today :(
I keep the position taken during the day open overnight only if in the end it looks good.If it does not look particularly promising, it is better to get out at the end of the day and take that position tomorrow morning so that you have a full day to monitor it . But if you have long positions taken at lower levels, there is nothing to worry. Relax .....



Well-Known Member
The trading as a business is a very stressful job.

Not feeling good today, I have long position full qty , I am So involved in trading that social life has also taken a beating, I today have no idea why I am not feeling good today, maybe long position is not working out immidiately,also I don't sleep good for many days maybe that's taking a toll on my mind or whatever, but I am stressed out today :(
Well; that make 2 of us....


Well-Known Member
TC, The factors external to technicals may be a reason for the stress - possibilty of Gap down open if you are long.... :( Losses and unexpected market turns are ALWAYS going to be a part of this business, and are unavoidable. Only thing we need to master is how we deal with it if we are caught on the wrong side.... Am sure with a bit more experience and exposure you will do fine... One more thing, Trading is a part of life. Don't sacrifice your health/happiness/family life because of it. Take a break or stay away from the market for sometime, till the situation is clear to trade. Good luck.

The trading as a business is a very stressful job.

Not feeling good today, I have long position full qty , I am So involved in trading that social life has also taken a beating, I today have no idea why I am not feeling good today, maybe long position is not working out immidiately,also I don't sleep good for many days maybe that's taking a toll on my mind or whatever, but I am stressed out today :(


Well-Known Member

i am still long , booked half at very low price but still holding 50% of price @5924

i am confused about the above pattern , i think its very very bullish , can anyone having knowledge of this particular pattern confirm?

its a downward channel which broken on upside then price came inside and now again gone outside


Well-Known Member
The trading as a business is a very stressful job.

Not feeling good today, I have long position full qty , I am So involved in trading that social life has also taken a beating, I today have no idea why I am not feeling good today, maybe long position is not working out immidiately,also I don't sleep good for many days maybe that's taking a toll on my mind or whatever, but I am stressed out today :(
You are spectacularly right today in markets...

may be give your people a dinner out in a nice restaurant or something...

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