Trading Strategies Using Technical Analysis

Which date should the meet be held?

  • February 27th 2011

    Votes: 19 59.4%
  • March 6th 2011

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • March 13th 2011

    Votes: 5 15.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Thanks Raunak ji,

Just now saw the script.
Monthly breakout after consolidating in a narrow range on heavy volume.
Also the stock is in news :)
OI has increased by 77.69 % or 700 lots.
Today is the 52 week high.
A good BTST candidate too.

Best Regards,
But the stock has closed well below its VWAP of 794.
700 lots or 35,000 stocks addition in OI is defenitely in significant compared to the traded volume of 19,82,031.
Delivery volume is 17%. which comes to 338364.
Not able to guess if it is accumulation or distribution at the higher levels ?

Please advice on how to find accumulation/distribution patterns ?

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Well-Known Member
pl give the full name of APIL, can I plan entry today or has it run up already, and looking to retrace on profit booking today.
Entry criteria depends on Exit criteria Prem.

I entered APIL for 2-3% kind of play. Hence my entry yesterday is justified. If you wish to enter for another leg of upmove, then let it consolidate.



Well-Known Member

1. Focus on your thought process - This means focus on your methodology, your system. If your system is good, it will always chase the smart money. If you are able to do this, you will be able to make money. Don't think what they will do, just keep going with the flow.

2. What the market is telling your right now - This means look at the Nifty, Bank Nifty and ask yourself what do you see? Does the Nifty tell you it's going to correct? Don't think it might correct. Let it tell you in person. Once it does, reverse your positions. For eg. As of now if I ask Nifty to short it, I get an answer where Nifty tells me I am a fool. Hope you get my point. It's communication, its logic and its all about being in the present.

Thanks a ton in advance Raunakji.

The mind always resists to see what is happening in the markets.

The mind remains in anxiety of greed or fear thinking of the past or anticipating the future.

It always tries to find an opinion about the direction and tries to stick on to that.
Or in other words it wants some thing concrete.
It is not flexible enough to change with the change.

(How to develop this :)).

For example Yesterday morning before market opening I was of the opinion that Tata steel is weak.

But the same morning it went almost 1.35% up.
From 602 it went to 609.
Came to 597 again went to 607 range.
Finally corrected down to 593.

But in the meanwhile the roller-coster turmoil undergone by the mind was tremendous.

Each time the script reacted against the opinion held by the mind the struggle was more.

To take positions opposite to the opinion of the mind but with the direction of the script is a very difficult challenge.

How the mind got its opinion ?
By analysis.Analysis is the key of the mind to keep itself alive :)
Because in the "present or now" mind is not alive.Hence it is an survival tactics played by the mind.

How to see the prices and trade with out keeping an opinion ?

Does this mean that don't do your homework ?
Don't do analysis ?
Because by doing analysis mind gets an opinion.
The opinion framed or the belief that the prices would go up or down is the key obstacle for trading.
Which again creates resistance.

So which means throw all your technical analysis/charts/fundamentals/News etc and just follow the price action or flow :)

At the end of the day I get very tired.

Please enlighten us how to make trading a pleasurable event with least stress possible.

Thanks a ton in advance.

Best Regards,


Well-Known Member

Is there any broker in India allowing long and short positions to be maintained separately.Like in MT4's.

Ie if I place buy 100 SAIL @200.
Ie if I place Sell 100 SAIL @200.50.

The second order should not close my first order but should be treated separately.

Thanks in advance.

(Apologies for posting the question here).

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Well-Known Member
Meanwhile, keep an eye on BGR energy systems. Expecting this stock to give some good swing move in near future.

Bhushan Steel Exited - 2030 Level
APIL Exited - 789 Level (Will be looking to re - enter)
Cairn - Still holding

BGR Energy system is quite close to giving a buy. And so is Container Corp. Will update as and when opportunity arises.


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