Trading without a loss!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks. How does one open an account with GCI and fund it? Is it allowed by indian authorities to trade in forex internationaly
Yes , you can open account with GCI or other better brokers and fund it using bank transfer or creditcard.

Is it allowed or not has been discussed at great lengths in the forex column of TJ..:)


Well-Known Member
i think Eur/usd ready for upmove,
what say big boss...:D
Dear mubzaveri,

There is too much manipulation in the markets.. As and when swing low changes, the targets also change.

Here is what i have been seeing,
Good news of EU bailout came out and EURUSD came down from 1.33 to 1.297
Almost 300 pips.. Squeezing out every weak bull. And then came up 500 pips.

Now again, 529.5 Billion LTRO2 financing came out.
Which is also good news! EU is again coming down..

I have bought small quantities as of now.
expecting some more squeeze/ down move...

And i think same is the case with our stock markets. Squeezing is happening!



Well-Known Member
thanks bigbear,
actually i was not giving much importance to news,
i was thinking to buy as the momentum was weakening at 4H supp,
& was anticipating a move upto 1.336* which would be the first resistance to the new trend...
but u never know the markets unless u have high caliber like SG & U....;)
Mubza bhai,

There is no caliber.. Just trying to keep eyes and ears open .. There are many more things i still dont see and hear ;)

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