Trading without a loss!!!!


Well-Known Member
Man Oh Man - look at GU BB !!!

I squared off 1 lot y'day holding the other .... it went to negative and now ... wowwww....


My short price 1.5888 .... hurrah for the Demo Account :rofl:
SM bhai, i myself exited early thinking i will get reentry again at 1.59 levels...... But it did not come back!

I have kept a sell order at 1.5822 For a target below 1.5765....


Well-Known Member
This is what i look for trade setup !! What big guys want to do..

It always involves,
Who are they trying to trap.
Who's SL's are hit...

Because Big guys always take Opposite position..

They bring price down in asian/london session and do the opposite during US session...

Let's see how this goes...


Well-Known Member
I'm already short in GU! Will be looking to go long below 1.5930 ...


Well-Known Member
Exited short in profit!
And again shorted ... Seeing big weakness...
Add: All the small guys who were short yesterday... Their SL got hit today when Big upmove came...!!
All the small guys are out and Big boys are short...! Let's see how it unfolds from here...

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Well-Known Member
Short EUR-USD at 1.3334 x 2 lots.
SM ,

The price was too low to short...You might have got in above 1.3360...
And two lots at a single price... Very hard to recover if it goes against us..

Btw here is something about how professionals trade..

Most professional traders and money managers trade one standard lot for every $50,000 in their account



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