Trading without a loss!!!!


Well-Known Member
GU both the targets did not achieve.. But exited with decent profit of 40pips..
EU target achieved... But exited slightly befrore targets....

There is no good trend today.. Its very good for scalps on both sides in EU..

Closed all positions till now in profit.. Will look for fresh entries tomorrow..


Well-Known Member
Well today... By end we may see some wild moves..

By now, Small guys are already long at higher levels.
Longs will be trapped first.. Then shorts will be trapped.
We may see EU/GU going into new highs very quickly... !

But should be very careful... If on wrong side today.. Small guy will be definitely slaughtered..


Well-Known Member
Did not trade today.. So no updates...
Had to go to college today...

But when i came back home, Did not see Quick Down thrust which i expected... Market went into consolidation ..
But the only trade today was to short EU at high and cover it back lower..
Even in GU shorting anywhere above 1.6/1.5990 levels would still be fine.. we could have got out at even/small profit..

Have a nice weekend!


Well-Known Member
College Student or College Professor or something else.... Kya ho bhaiya... jaldi batao.... Do I have a company.... :D
I'm a Student bro.... You surely have company don't worry..!


Well-Known Member
Sell order for GU at 1.6030 Valid as long as GU doesn't go below 1.5980.


Well-Known Member
GU is showing too much strength, which i have failed to see..... Will have to see why.. in the evening..

Shorting EU/AU at the same time would have given me profits by now!

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