Trading without a loss!!!!


Well-Known Member
While going through myfxbook today, I have to mention that a loss has happened in a trade because i did not consider swap charges while placing the TP levels for the trade.

Here is a snapshot, Even though the number of pips is positive, trade ended negative due to swap.
I deeply regret that this mistake has happened and will never happen again.



Well-Known Member

I was just browsing through the web and found this very interesting article.
This pdf was posted by a trader which beautifully tells the odds stacked AGAINST the trader trading Forex. [ Or anyother market for that matter].

The article is around 5-6 years old, But the points is true or false, is for us to decide. But it gives a general idea about who/what we are against.

It's a good weekend read.

Here is the link,

Hope you all can sleep tonight Peacefully :)


Well-Known Member
Will look to get more juice tonight.

I missed the Fx trades in the evening.
Now made a counter flow LONG entry in USDCHF for a quick 20-30 pip trade... It is not looking that great. Let's see how it goes.

I exited commodities which were in profit early because of this slowdown in USD pairs........

SG, any views?

I really liked this No Loss Challenge by BigBear.
People commenting about SL should realize that SL is not a part of this game as placing SL defeats the core purpose of this challenge.
Will keenly follow this thread. All the very best, bro.:thumb:


Well-Known Member
Exited USDCHF with marginal profits.

Entered Crude [email protected] and exited @ 99.86.

Very comfortable with 0.3 Lot size for commodities & 0.5 for Fx as of now. Will increase lot size gradually...

Am in sync with Crude today! loved it!
Looking for more tomorrow....


Well-Known Member
Federal Reserve Bank did not change the interest rates. DJ and commodities jumped higher with happiness..



Well-Known Member
I'm loving it !!!!!



Well-Known Member
Why no further trades bigbear? However till now it has been a fantastic performance.

Dear Laksh,

I'm participating in a Forex competition hosted by myfxbook. That's the reason for the absence..

Will keep up with my updates.


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