Trading without a loss!!!!


Well-Known Member
Will be buying

Gold below 1741
Silver below 34
Crude below 98.25
Dax near 6770-6775
EU below 1.3227
If i get opportunity :)

Not shorting any of the above.. Even for small profit...


Well-Known Member
Taking a day off today...


Well-Known Member
Gold may be heading down to 1690-1700 levels.. Golden opportunity if it does...


Well-Known Member
I was testing SG's method of using Swing high and Swing low and laws of vibration.

And Wow!!! Look how amazingly it has worked!

I was looking to apply this when we had continuous non stop UP/DOWN bars from SH to SL.

Lets look at 1.

We see continuous down bars from SH to SL without any UP bars..
Look what happened next.. It easily reached the target..

Similarly in Case 2.. Which has only UP bars...

Now let's see what happens in Case 3...
Now the target is around 1.3217-1.3218...

I did not recognize this during real time markets ...

The buy order was not based on this method... But now will be looking forward to exit near these levels..

Dear SG,
If there is some mistake in explanation/charts, Do point it out.



Well-Known Member
Hi BigB..... This concept of SH (Swing High), SL (Swing Low) and LV (Laws of Vibration) looks interesting..... Can you point me in the direction where he explained this concept.... :)
Dear Aditya,

This method is still under R&D in timing the markets , which will be opened soon :) you can see the charts in timing the markets...

SG had quoted about law of Vibration in some thread.. Don't remember which.


Well-Known Member
Big Bhallu... not in any thread it was in one of our phone conversations.... That I stated...Everything in the Universe Vibrates..... Frequency & Amplitude is what varies.... !!!


Dear Aditya,

This method is still under R&D in timing the markets , which will be opened soon :) you can see the charts in timing the markets...

SG had quoted about law of Vibration in some thread.. Don't remember which.


Well-Known Member
Yeahh!! SG... Now i remember.. :)

Okie this makes it more beautiful.. What say SG....


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