Wealth Creation


Well-Known Member
Ramdeo Agarwal of Motilal Oswal has written a book titled "The Art of Wealth Generation" in which he has given what he looks for in a wealth generating stock..he mst have given few case studies also , the book was published only yesterday..I look forward to buying it ASAP.


St sir , can you provide any link where we can buy the book ?


Well-Known Member
Super Investor

  • Do your investments outweigh your savings?
  • Do you track your investments regularly?
  • Do you speak to friends and colleagues about investments?
  • Do you prefer investing through an active and involved financial planner rather than your regular bank relationship manager?

If your answer is yes to most of these questions, then there is a good chance that you are part of a fast-evolving group of investors, termed by consumer insights company Nielsen as 'Super Investors'

Read the entire article at



Well-Known Member
Why do people retire poor?

Well not exactly poor, but almost helpless! They do have some balance in their PF, may or may not have a house, some money in gratuity, a few bank fixed deposits – and of course no indexed pension.

Why do people reach such a stage in life?

Well, these are the things that I can think of:

1. They never wanted to be rich anyway! – sorry to be blunt, but most people DO NOT WANT to be rich or wealthy. Sure they hope, think, pray,….but somewhere they feel that a rich man is a bad man, and they should NOT be rich. This is a big, real big impediment to being financially independent!

2. Apart from being scared of being rich, they love to procrastinate. They ALWAYS have a solid excuse why they could not or cannot start their SIP, or some saving/ investing plan.

So what is necessary for you to get rich or wealthy?

1. You MUST at the bottom of your heart feel that you have to RETIRE RICH. This cannot be forced upon by your parents, spouse, siblings, children……………..it has to be YOUR heart and YOU.
2. You must push that desire and take DECISION to be rich. Say it out loudly, write it down, stick it on your laptop, office door, bedroom door – convey the DECISION to YOURSELF and to the world.
3. DETERMINE that in your path to richness there will be complete focus. It is not enough to have desire and have made the decision. You need the determination to take the decision to its logical conclusion…and end.
4. You then need the DISCIPLINE to see through the whole process.

Once you have the desire (real desire like a fire burning within you and not letting you sleep!)…the other steps will follow.

NOW STAND IN FRONT OF A MIRROR and answer just one question:

Do you really want to be rich? be honest to yourself there is no camera in your bedroom!

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