Wealth Creation


Well-Known Member
Patience equals profits. Wealth is the transfer of money from the impatient to the patient, So many investors are so keen to do something, in fact so keen to do anything that they make mistakes they regret - Warren Buffett


Well-Known Member

i need to say only one sentence regarding wealth creation.

"you need to develop a strategy which brings passive income"

i am a firm believer of smart work rather than hard work...



Well-Known Member
Why Diversify?
Because Winners Rotate

Perhaps nothing better illustrates the need for an asset allocation plan than this chart, which shows how various asset classes performed on a year-by-year basis from 1995 through 2014. The best-performing asset class for each calendar year is at the top of each column. A well-balanced portfolio invested across all asset classes allows investors to participate in the gains of each year’s “winners”.



Well-Known Member
dear amitji and other experts ,

i differ here . that 90 % of mutual fund schemes are not able to beat the bench marks so these particular schemes have definitely outperformed the indices they track but on a whole it has been historically the case that most mf schemes wont beat the index they track .

best regards


It is not my research.You need to ask the person who made this report.

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