Wolfe Waves


Well-Known Member
Manoj, thanks for posting your chart and view.
IMO, this thread is meant for views/discussion on Wolfe Waves analysis and I do not find any ww in your chart.

And you all know that I do not post advance WW, I mean until the price is not near point 5
So did not post any though I have some.
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Well-Known Member
Though these +ww seem to have unrealistic targets in present conditions/context.
But who knows we may see these levels one day.

+ww NS daily tf 6270 19.8.13

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+ww NF daily 6280 19.8.13

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Point 1 doesn't look like a valid one ?


Well-Known Member
Point 1 doesn't look like a valid one ?
I am no expert so cant say much on this.

But as commonsense, I think it is.
As, one, this is a daily chart and not a small tf chart.
Second it is a valid pivot point.
This point 1 is a break in the wave 1-2.

Further refer to post # 768, DPK also took similar point 1, in a chart of McDowell. In that chart point 1 was a white candle in between two white candles. But in my chart, at least, it is a red candle in between two white candles (which shows a change in trend, may be it was for one day).

I am attaching an image. What do you think. Can we take the point above red arrow as point 1.


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