This frailness of ZT as regards the internet reminded of a similar set of posts about a year back; could dig up
this one in Series 2
Odin was built in the 32 Kbps modem days and handles the worst case more conservatively. On any network, even LFNs, dropped packets and conflicts are a given. It really does not matter what is best case, or the average case. (For that matter, my average ping times are 50% to 100% more than what LiveToTrade and Gandhar have posted). What really matters it how the software responds to network jitter and temporary timeouts. You will find that a slower / steadier connection will outperform a faster / jerkier one in general.
To Zerodha: is there a setting, maybe in the .ini files, that will allow one to increase the numbers of retries, and the timeout period, before the 'int' lights in ZT go red ? (guessing that if there was, you would have told us already so yes, it's a bit rhetorical).
Perhaps the action point is if when users get their red lights in their network status box, they let Zerodha know the time of the failure and the network they are using. Since users come from diverse places and networks, and the problem is obviously not at the user end, and it would help Zerodha identify the bottleneck and the circumstances.