Zerodha Part 2

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Well-Known Member
Hey do you have a proprietary trading desk? Do you intend to use 60 day challange for searching oustanding performers in this challenge for your proprietry desk.
Trading is a job of skill, similar to a sport or an art.

But unlike a sport or an art, which you can spot by travelling, there is no real way to spot trading talent.

The biggest challenge also for a good trader today is being undercapitalized. Unless you hit a jackpot, not access to enough capital would eventually kill a very talented trader also. A person has 1 lk in the account, he consistently makes 5% a month which is brilliant. But 5% is just Rs 5000, will probably cover only the internet, phone and data feed cost. So what he does is over trades and eventually ends up losing.

The challenge gives us a good opportunity to spot talent which would otherwise be hiding, and we have already lined up 3 trading/hedge funds who are ready to use this as a first round screener for their hiring process. There are 4500 people taking the challenge as of now.


Well-Known Member
hi zerodha,

Is trading through "price ladder" allowed by zerodha?


How is it possible that stop loss price triggered even if the Trigger price is not reached , It happened twice,

1) Around 9:47 AM today , I entered a SL order to seel Nifty with trigger price of 5620 , it got excecuted between 9:48-9:50 , i will send you exact timestamp when i receive my contract note.

2) Same thing happend between 10 and 10:05 AM , when i entered another sell order with trigger of 5626 , it executed while price broke 5626 after 10:05 AM.

I was continously looking at the ticks on NEST trader, i then checked with NSE site and data providers , they all show the same thing which my own chart was showing that price never reached trigger during my stated time.

Can you throw some light on this?

i will append my contract note to this post in evening.



Well-Known Member

How is it possible that stop loss price triggered even if the Trigger price is not reached , It happened twice,

1) Around 9:47 AM today , I entered a SL order to seel Nifty with trigger price of 5620 , it got excecuted between 9:48-9:50 , i will send you exact timestamp when i receive my contract note.

2) Same thing happend between 10 and 10:05 AM , when i entered another sell order with trigger of 5626 , it executed while price broke 5626 after 10:05 AM.

I was continously looking at the ticks on NEST trader, i then checked with NSE site and data providers , they all show the same thing which my own chart was showing that price never reached trigger during my stated time.

Can you throw some light on this?

i will append my contract note to this post in evening.

SL - limit or market?
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