BUZZ, believe me there are traders like me who have sat back and watched 2 lakhs go up in smoke in a couple of hours, hoping for God to descend from the sky and turn the market in my favor so that I can save 10 thousand and plan my next trade, instead of acting, as stoploss after stoploss got taken out. My RM called me and said - Why aren't you getting out? I said, no, I am sure the markets will bounce back. He wished me luck and hung up. I was to blame for my stupidity. Simple.
Call us whatever you want to. Given that there are many more like me, you know why Zerodha wouldn't want to take the risk just because their clients want to bet big. Don't you see the positive side of it? They are saving the trader from taking risky bets too. It is better to avoid punching above our weight is what I've learnt after burning a lot more than just fingers in the markets.
If all goes well, we live to see the next trading session otherwise it means a complete wipe out of our accounts.
Your 3k per lot is mouth watering indeed. Could you name your broker
Maybe you are a gifted cum disciplined trader who only makes winning trades. I'd love it if you could share your market views and trading calls with all of us
BUZZ, I haven't come across any broker who charges Rs.20 per trade with no brokerage commitment,margin commitment or enrolling for a prepaid plan and no Terminal charges.
Zerodha has started out as a brokerage firm focusing more on trading than offering every available investment product under the sun. They are barely a year old. Am sure they will roll out new services as they grow in size.
I would love it if they ran a pooled account like other brokers do, so that I could go short on select scrips and hold it for weeks, particularly those scrips which aren't traded in FnO. Alas, the guys at the top are high strung on compliance and we can't blame them
I'd recently come across this
Rs.5 per ordercompany. Don't know how reliable they are and I don't intend to give Rs.1 Lakh upfront as brokerage.
What we forget as traders is, we focus more on brokerage and less on trading. To think of it, I was a more disciplined trader when I was paying Rs.50 per lot than now. I made fewer mistakes and respected stop losses and avoided taking rash decisions. But hey, I can't hold Zerodha responsible for my poor trading decisions.
Nifty hit lower circuit within a few hours in 2008. There is no guarantee that it won't happen again. Better to be safe than sorry. This comes from someone who hasn't always been on the winning side.
Btw, nobody at Zerodha has bought me lunch at Subway for me coming to their defense
I have my own issues with them regarding the delay in starting commodities trading but I will save the rant for now. It won't help the situation.
It is one thing to nitpick if the grouse is genuine, but it is quite unfair to flog them for a service they do not offer at present. And just because Broker X or Broker Y offers a particular value added service, you deem it fit to call them Frauds does not augur well for a grown up like you who has been a trader for a while. No offense meant. Cheers!