A Strong Trading Mind

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Well-Known Member
Habits of Millionaires



– Every day, be around people who are kind to you and love you.

This is a difficult habit. So don’t sweat it. Just improve a little bit each day.
A bonsai tree grows every day. But the bonsai master knows where to prune to create a work of art over years.

– Solve difficult gratitude problems.

This is a practice. When angry, or stressed, find one thing to be grateful for. Where is the practice? Is this really so hard.

The hard part is noticing that you are angry and stressed. It’s the difference between being scared in a movie and saying, “wait, it’s just a movie”.

– Write down ten ideas a day.

I’ve written this a million times. Watch the movie “Limitless”. Bradley Cooper takes a pill that turns him into a superman of brain power. Writing down 10 ideas a day is that pill. Try it for six months and you will see.

– Plant seeds.

Many people have ONE GOAL in life. And they aim their lives for that one goal. Good luck with that.

The real key is to plant many seeds. 1% of the seeds planted will turn into 50% of the flowers.

That’s Garden Math.

What are some seeds?

Send a thank you letter. Send an intro letter. Send ideas to people. Exercise. Eat well. Surprise your spouse. Make a website. Come up with an idea. Write an article. Read a book. Think of 100 more seeds.

Every day plant some seeds.

– No excuses.

Blaming is draining. Complaining is draining. Explaining is draining.

People say, I don’t have enough time. I get that. For instance, I don’t have enough time to become a professional astronaut.

I have enough time again. No excuses.

– Warren Buffett’s 5/25 rule.

Make a list of the 25 things you want to do in life. Now do the top 5. And NEVER THINK ABOUT THE OTHER 20 EVERY AGAIN.

Else they will take time away from the 5 that are most important to you.

– Follow up.

Following up might be a “nice to meet you” email. Or maybe it’s buying them a first edition of their favorite book. Or maybe it’s one of the 10,000 things in between that.

– Stand next to the smartest person in the room.

Harold Ramis did it (Bill Murray). Steve Jobs did it (Steve Wozniak). Craig Silverstein did it. (who? Larry Page.) Kanye West did it (Jay-Z).

I’ve done it repeatedly. (Yoda). I have a motto: “I am the dumbest person in the room”. Then it helps me to find the smartest person in each room.

The smartest person in the room is going to do something. Watch what they do. Something special. Just follow them without asking questions.

– Do one thing every day you loved as a kid.

I loved to write. So I write every day. I loved being nice to girls. So I’m nice to women every day.
Other people loved sports. I didn’t.

– Ask questions.

Brian Grazer, the world famous movie produce or Apollo 13, Arrested Development, and about 100 other movies, would have “curiousity conversations”.

He’s simply call up anyone he wanted (the Dalai Lama, Steve Jobs, etc) , explain who he was, and asked them questions.

That’s how he met Ron Howard (the smartest person in his room). That’s how they together started Imagine Entertainment. That’s how he’s now got the top show on TV (“Empire”).

– Make Mistakes.

I was teaching my daughter to serve harder. She had a good consistent serve. She never missed. But it was too soft. Easy to return.

So I said, “hit it so hard you have to grunt”.

She started missing. She was getting depressed. Every shot came in about 6 inches to the left of the box.

But then she adjusted. The shots started to hit in the box. And they were harder.

I asked her, “what was going on in your head?”

She said, “I saw I was hitting too much to the left so I moved it over.”

If she kept hitting her safe easy shot, she never would have improved.

Only mistakes made her improve. ONLY MISTAKES.

– Sleep.

Everyone has a different opinion on this. I sleep nine hours a night. Then I try to take a nap during the day.

Your brain is most active 2-5 hours after you wake up. Do your productive passion work then.
Stay away from people who claim they only need 3-5 hours a sleep a night. They are evil.

– Say “NO”

I used to travel a lot for meetings. None of them made money. Not a single one.

I remember one time sitting by the pool at a hotel in LA. That was fun. I drank and swam and drank and swam.

In between, I had meetings that went nowhere. Then I went back to my company.

How was LA.


One week wasted.

– A little every day

I want to write a novel.

I write a few paragraphs a day. I maybe tweak the outline every day. Guess what. If you write three paragraphs a day you’ll write four novels a year.

Three of them might be bad. Maybe ten of them will be bad. Maybe the first twenty will be bad.

That’s ok. That means in five years you will be a success. Because of “a little every day”.

– Don’t be in a rush.

I’ve interviewed about 150 successful people so far for my podcast. I don’t mean “financial success”. Again, money is a byproduct.

One thing in common: 10 – 20 years for an overnight success.


-Celebrate small successes.

Along the way to overnight success (20 years) you will have many many small successes.

You can only give yourself permission for the next one if you celebrate the small success. It gives reinforcement to all of these habits.

Plus, it’s fun. You know what I mean.

– Love

I don’t have to teach you what love is. But here’s what I try to do:

a. if it’s someone I don’t know, I pretend like they are going to die tomorrow. So I treat them with the love we treat someone who will not exist anymore.

b. if it’s someone I don’t like, I treat them the way a mother treats her child. I wish for their best, no matter what my personal feelings are.

c. if it’s someone I love but is not making me happy, I sincerely wish them the best for the future.

d. if it’s someone I love, I listen. I help. I surprise.

Often we pray to things that don’t exist. Often we meditate with invisible goals in mind. Often we believe in science fiction.

But right this second you can feel love, and that’s the only religion.

– Right now.

Every time I’ve had a problem in the future, it never came true.

Every time I’ve had a regret in the past, the regret kept me glued to the mud.

Right now you are dealt cards. No other hand before or after will help you right now.

So this is the only moment to focus on. Right now is best predictor of Right Life.

Oh! That’s another habit: Give yourself permission to not always be right. Give yourself permission to not always be liked. Give yourself permission to not always be at peace. Give yourself permission to not be a success.

Then you will gradually have whatever you gave yourself permission “to not”.

Will these habits make you a millionaire? Yes. Definitely.

Will these habits make you a success? Yes.

But more important:

These habits will make you the sort of person who has these habits.

No longer will you be a single ray of light. You will be the sun.


Well-Known Member
There is a force in you that is more powerful than the negative people, circumstances or environment where you find yourself. Make a conscious, deliberate effort to keep your mind above all the toxic conversations, attitudes and stresses surrounding you.

Guard your mind by immersing yourself in positive words, scriptures, music; as well as self-affirming healing conversations that will drown out the negative voices within your own mind.

Create a ritual of prayer, meditation, exercise, yoga, Tai Chi. Volunteer your time. Use whatever method you can to protect yourself from the drama, emotional vampires and energy drainers that will try to rob you of your peace.

There is a Presence within you where you can find joy, comfort and inner strength to give you the capacity to handle whatever you are facing. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!!

Les Brown


Well-Known Member
Bring it on!! This is your moment. It is your season. Now is the time to take your game higher and own your space. The odds are in your favor. You can not rest on yesterday's successes. That will not cut it today!! "Use to be...don't make no honey...or no money." What you have done in the past will not help you now.

Success is never ending. Consistency is the secret of high achievers. It is time to break new records...set a new standard...and surpass your personal best. Look life in the eye and say....bring it on! You were born to win. Reach down deep within. Unleash your power and your GREATNESS!

Les Brown


Well-Known Member
Use your voice as a hammer to stamp out toxic, dis-empowering, negative thoughts that can come into your mind. You can not control the thoughts that come through your mind, but you can control the ones you choose to dwell on. Talk back to yourself and challenge the negative thinking that is robbing you of energy and focus.

Use your voice as an instrument to inspire you and to change the trauma into positive feelings. Look at yourself in a mirror and say "I love myself unconditionally." Do this daily for the next 21 days. You will experience a new love and appreciation for your higher self which will begin to express itself. Your mind and ego will tell you that this is foolish, childish, or that you do not need to do this. Do not be duped. Negative thoughts don't want to die and will struggle to remain alive.

Speak life to yourself with power, feeling and conviction. Choose positive words that will transport your mind to a new reality. You Deserve! You have GREATNESS within you!

Les Brown


Well-Known Member
Never let what you want prevent you from appreciating what you have. The human condition can be a roller coaster. You will lose friends, relatives and jobs. That's life. However, we cannot lose self and not be thankful for what you have.

If you can wake up with the ability to breath, put one foot in front of the other, have faith, hope and use your voice, you can change your circumstances by realizing how much grace you truly have in your life. Use that as a stepping stone. Far too often, we take the simple things for granted. You Have GREATNESS within you. Be thankful.

Les Brown


Well-Known Member
Regardless of what challenge you are facing right now, know that it has not come to stay. It has come to pass. During these times, do what you can with what you have, and ask for help if needed. Most importantly ~ never surrender. Put things in perspective. Take care of yourself. Find ways to replenish your energy, strengthen your faith, and fortify yourself from the inside out.

There is a power in you that is stronger than anything that you are facing. Go within. Tap into this power. Know that you will find courage, strength and resolve to go through any valley experiences. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!

Les Brown


Well-Known Member
It is hard. it's hard changing your life. It's hard picking up the pieces and starting all over again. It's hard getting your mind together after you have gone through a life shaking experience (being a primary caregiver for someone; hearing a diagnosis you didn't want; starting over again from a loss of any kind; being alone in a new place; wanting a friend.) But you can do hard. You can weather the storm. You will come through this.

Affirm to yourself every day ~ several times a day. No matter how hard it gets...I am going to make it!! Stand up and look yourself in the eyes..and say "I can do hard!!" Exercise, pray, seek solitude, allow for periods of sadness...but know that you will get through this. Keep the faith; continue to work; and expect to make it through. You may not be able to change your circumstances or situation...but you can change yourself! Hold on..You can do hard! You have GREATNESS within yo

Les Brown

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