A Strong Trading Mind

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Well-Known Member
Have you ever had a door of opportunity slam in your face? A job application...that you did not get; a loan...that was turned down; a friendship or relationship...that ended; a proposal...where the answer was no.

When this happens in pursuit of your dream, do not focus on the closed door. Crawl through a window or tear a hole in the roof! Step back and do an assessment. What happened? What did you discover about yourself? What do you need to do? Who must you become to move forward in your life?

Whatever you do...do not give up simply because it becomes challenging. Do not ask for life to make it easier for you to reach your goals. Make the decision to become a better person in order to accomplish your goals. Believe this - there will be other doors and more opportunities. Know that you will be stronger, wiser, more capable and better prepared to take advantage of them, because of what you have discovered about yourself, and how you have changed in the process. You have GREATNESS within you!

Les Brown


Well-Known Member

“In a single moment, in one stroke, you can become enlightened. It is not a gradual process, because enlightenment is not something that you have to invent. It is something that you have to discover. It is already there. It is not something that you have to manufacture. If you have to manufacture it, of course, it will take time; but it is already there. Close your eyes and see it there. Be silent and have a taste of it. Your very nature is what I call enlightenment. Enlightenment is not something alien, outside you. It is not somewhere else in time and space. It is you, your very core.

source : r i s i ka jain .com


Well-Known Member
RESPECT YOURSELF!! Listen to your own voice, the one in your heart that is the keeper of your dreams. Never let someone convince you that you can not do something ~ especially if they have not done it. Take the time to find your own path and trust your inner voice. Know what is true for you!

Respect yourself by limiting access to people who are negative and unhappy. Many times they project the anxiety and dissatisfaction with their own lives onto your life. One negative comment can be more damaging to you than one positive comment. Own the responsibility for your life and your journey. Give yourself the gifts of experiences and relationships that strengthen your deepest convictions about your dream and honor the calling on your life. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!

Les Brown


Well-Known Member
Do not let anyone steal your dream! The world is full of dream killers - people whose sole mission in life is to sabotage you and your dream. They look for ways to crush your energy and deaden your life force by highlighting uncertainty, reminding you of what you don't have or what you may need. They point out weaknesses, mistakes, setbacks and past losses when you turn to them for encouragement.

Sometimes dream killers appear in the faces of people closest to you and other times they whisper and hide out in the deep recesses of your own mind. Safeguard your mind. Preserve your energy. Do not answer them or entertain their conversations. Leave them alone! Say to yourself over and over again...I got this! I was born to win. Keep moving toward your dream and imagine the feeling of having accomplished your dream. Remember above all, do not let anyone steal your dream. You can make it happen. You deserve to win. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!

Les Brown


Well-Known Member
Stand up for yourself. Do not allow someone, just because they have had a few drinks, or because they are going through hard times, to take out their frustrations and anger on you. Require others to honor your space, and respect your dignity as a person of worth. Let the people in your life own their choices, and do not give them permission to dump their problems or crises on you. This includes your grown children, parents, relatives, people you work with or go to church with, and/or friends.

Refuse to buy into the guilt trips; pay for their consequences. Stop taking on their responsibilities. If you were not there, they would have to figure it out, and they would. Sometimes helping is actually hurting them, and keeping them from helping themselves. Take the time to focus on your own needs for a change, and let others do the same! You Deserve!

Les Brown


Well-Known Member
You are stronger than you think you are. It does not matter what you are facing...a lost relationship, job, bankruptcy, foreclosure, health challenge or financial situation. You have the power in you to create it all over again from scratch. It does not matter how old you are. Do not beat yourself up. It is natural to feel sorry for yourself or feel frightened and want to give up. It does not even matter if the people that you thought would have your back have deserted you. You are still breathing. You are still here and you have the power to win.

You are more powerful than you think you are. Remind yourself of this. Stand up within yourself. Gather your mental, emotional and spiritual strength. Speak from deep within your spirit and your soul. Take back your power Say..."I will survive. I will thrive. I am coming back. Giving up is not who I am. I will stay the course, and persist until I succeed." You might have to do this while down on your knees, praying, crying, screaming at the top of your lungs. Resist the feeling of being overwhelmed, powerless or being a victim. You will survive and thrive again!!! You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!

Les Brown


Well-Known Member
Sometimes life will knock you flat on your back and it may seem like all the problems in the world gang up on you to hold you down. You may feel trapped, but you know you can't give up. Listen to me. You've got to find a way out of the situation. Get an attitude. Make the decision that you will overpower whatever you are going through. Don't stop to complain. Focus all your time and energy on getting ahead.

Give yourself one reason everyday why you are better or bigger than the place in which you find yourself. You don't have the luxury to get depressed or feel sorry for yourself. Look all around you relentlessly....search for ways to free yourself. Keep moving...keep fighting...keep falling forward. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for being. Affirm to yourself over and over again.."I will persist until I succeed. It's not over until I win!" You have GREATNESS within you!!

Les Brown


Well-Known Member
“Actually, the best traders have no ego. To be a great trader, you have to have a big enough ego only in the sense that you have confidence in yourself. You cannot let ego get in the way of a trade that is a loser; you have to swallow your pride and get out.”

“Trading is like any other job. You work hard, put in the time and effort, and make your own luck.”

“They trade too much. They don’t pick their spots selectively enough. When they see the market moving, they want to be in on the action. So, they end up forcing the trade rather than waiting patiently. Patience is an important trait many people don’t have.”

“It is a lot of hard work, for one. It’s perseverance. You have to love to do it. Also, in our business, you have to have a total disregard for money. You can’t trade for money.”

“You don’t need any education at all to do it. The smarter you are, the dumber you are. The more you know, the worse it is for you.”

Tom Baldwin

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