A Strong Trading Mind

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Well-Known Member
Just stop! Take a moment to think before you act so that you are in control of yourself, your emotions and your responses. It is easy to justify unpleasant or rude behavior with excuses of being tired, overworked, or stressed. Sometimes we take out the irritations of the moment or the day on our family, children, co-workers, or even the family pet. What is the emotional tone of your family or your life? Is it harsh, cold, unforgiving, withdrawn, or warm, loving, open and embracing?

Take time each day to build and generate new verbal and non-verbal responses that will allow you to build your capacity to be a gentler, kinder, more compassionate, peaceful and loving person. This is a skill set that takes intentional rehearsal and practice ~ just like playing sports or working out. If you find yourself acting often out of irritation, anger, or even rage, reflect on what excuse you use to make someone else the brunt of your bad attitude or worse ~ your bad behavior. Decide that no excuse is worth the cost of emotional venting in public or in private ~ especially on those you love. Do the hard work and the heart work to hold yourself to a higher standard. Raise the bar on yourself, your attitude and your behavior. You have something special! You have GREATNESS within you!

Les Brown


Well-Known Member
Get centered and calm yourself down. An anxious mind can not take you where you need to go. Recognize that true power resides within you ~ never outside of you. Keep your eyes on the prize and do not allow yourself to be thrown off course. There is power in the pursuit of your dream.

Continue to go after your dream...regardless of the obstacles, rejection, or things that will be thrown in your path. Go around, go through, or leap over them and remind yourself what this dream really means to you. Going after your dream will give you power that you do not even know you have. Embrace the challenges because they build character, resiliency and faith. You were born to succeed. It's not over until you win! You have GREATNESS within you!

Les Brown


Well-Known Member
The worst is over!! You have gone through a lot and you are still here! Despite how you may feel at this time, this experience will not break you. Whatever happened to you does not own you or determine your future. It is an experience that you must choose to grow through and not allow to shut your life down. No question...this is easier said than done. But you have the power in you to put this experience in your past, and not allow it to overwhelm your present or dictate how you show up in the world. Pause for a moment to get your head right and resolve to handle this. You know, life is like a roller coaster. Sometimes you are up and sometimes you are down.

Expect things to get better and they will. Do you know who you are? You are more powerful than you give yourself credit for being. In time you will overcome this and become more resilient than you have ever been before. Look at the road ahead, know that tomorrow will be better than today. Pull yourself together and take time to heal. Where your life goes from here is your call. Believe in yourself! You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!

Les Brown


Well-Known Member
Say to yourself...NEVER AGAIN!!! Never again...will I find myself in this situation...or beat myself up because of my past mistakes. NEVER AGAIN will I give up on my dream because of what someone else has said or because I've been rejected or experienced failure or a setback. NEVER AGAIN will I not give my all or go all out, or represent myself as a powerless weak victim because of some tragedy that I have experienced.

NEVER AGAIN will I go back to a life, a lie, a relationship, or a situation that doesn't represent the best in me. I am better than this...bigger than this...stronger than this! Don't let a temporary situation cause you to make a permanent decision about your possibilities and your future. Keep pushing forward despite the odds or how you feel at the moment. Give out but don't give up!!! Dare to be GREAT!! You have GREATNESS within you!

Les Brown

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