Astro prediction for Intraday S&P Nifty - Live Updates (only if i've freetime)

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Today nifty touched (5550) which is 38.2% evel of retracement of wave 4. Next if market pulls it may go upto 5680 level 50% fibo level. If it moves side ways tomorrow we can expect a down fall on next week.
Happy Trading:)
market reversed from 5600 , i.e in between 38.2% (5550) and 50% 5680 fib levels,
how can we understand this ?



Well-Known Member
recording is not possible for me but let it take some more time i'm collecting my Real trades in market with Chart Example for better illustration.

Please wait till some more time getting my mental work on paper trust me it is difficult job it just took 4 days of time to put contents.

if u have anything to discuss i'll be at traderji chat or my regular chat the link wch u gave yesterday was good that talking about astronomy.

i'm off for some days please excuse all.

we would miss you Susheel have a happy trading:thumb::lol:


Well-Known Member
Susheel what is the reason behind happning of good things on -ve days please tell me if you can...........
As you said it happnes with you also


Well-Known Member
Susheel what is the reason behind happning of good things on -ve days please tell me if you can...........
As you said it happnes with you also
Our Nakshtra comes under the group of Sharp Stars when ever we Cojoined with
Similar Nakshtras or when Moon conjucts to sun we get this effect each & every nakshtra has electro magnetic waves Wch influnce Certain objects & creatures in the world we are just example of those.

I also recommend everyone to learn astro for the purpose we are born.

Astrology is not about predictions it something to know about Sufferings of Human Cycle Wch leads us to the path of Eternal Truth...
Hai ,
All astros,

The following is the last week and medium astrological view of the one of the astrologer on the market. it may be useful for somebody to think in that way too ..


Indian stocks have been falling through much 2011 due to a powerful Saturn
affliction to the horoscope of the BSE. Since this Saturn affliction
will last for most of the year, stocks will probably have a difficult
time of it.

Over the coming weeks, bearish Saturn will oppose bullish Jupiter in the
sky. Encounters between these two giants of the solar system often
occur near major turning points in the market. The previous opposition
in May 2010 coincided fairly closely with a market correction and an
intermediate low on most global markets. Trine aspects have similarly
corresponded with significant lows as occurred in January and November
2008. While there are few certainties in financial astrology, these
Jupiter-Saturn combinations do have a tendency to bring down prices near
their exact aspects. The date of this exact opposition is March 29.

For all its potential significance in foretelling prices, the
Jupiter-Saturn aspect is perhaps less reliable in highlighting when a
correction may begin. That requires consideration of other factors,
along with an assessment of the horoscopes of major stock exchanges. It
nonetheless seems that we are getting very close to a decline.

This week looks somewhat mixed as Monday begins with a Mercury-Saturn
trine aspect. Saturn aspects tend to be bearish, although the aspect
may be more strongly felt in Asian markets. On a more bullish note, the
Sun conjoins Neptune by midweek so that may well lift sentiment across
the board. Saturn steps back into the limelight by Friday as it forms a
tense square aspect with Venus. This increases the likelihood of
declines towards the end of the week.
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Well-Known Member
What i Understood about Market Psychology

i treat market as GOD or Universe & in any market there are only 2 Types of Traders.

Let me Define Trader1 - Devotee of god (Trading with harmony universe)
Let me Define Trader2 - Non Devotee of God (Trading against universe)

to make u understand in terms of technical analysis we learn each & every indicator we study is divided into Trend following & counter trend.

TRADER1= Trend Trader
TRADER2= Counter Trader

Role of Trader1 - Chant name of God & start doing work with.out expecting Results which means whatever given by god is accepted.This only runs on the basis of Blind faith & faith is very important.

What does God do if you Chant his name?
The First thing he will try to trouble you at the earliest without waste of a minute.


Whenever we enter new trade there is probability of going wrong without waste of minute.

Why Trouble You?
Answer is god really loves his Chanted name specially chanted you.

Market makers love to Eat your stoploss if you pay them u get return with interest if u think they are cheating it is the first person you are get cheated.

Why I Chant his name when i being troubled?
answer is simple because we want money from market.
he wants his name to be chanted only by troubling people.
if we are able to chant his name for 20 days we are only troubled for 15 days & other 5 days is holiday period for god.

That 5 days is result of our chanting.

Chanting God name means just trading.

Trader2 is more advance he should be right in most cases because he should fight with universe.


Well-Known Member
according to you what should be the trend for 2maro i feel nifty will open flat or possible -ve and it will go bullish after 10.20am (nothin astro calculated just guessing) or after europe opens i.e. 13.30 and it should close +ve
susheel i am trying my level best and even then i m not able to earn from mrkt can you help me a little because 1st week of feb was awesome i invested 1lac and i got 45k back as premium but 2nd week of feb i made 1.45lac totally 00.00 i m not able to understand why i would be highly thankful Mr Bhupati and Susheel if you both could help me and try to get me back on line i had been told to wear diamond so i am wearing it since 1year but i didnot see any +ve movement i m now trying comodity mkt bcose as per shree muhrutha i have good timmings after 9pm when i lost my all money i thought to quit mkt but one of my friend helped me and he made me continue and survive but still am not able to cope up i just want to know the reason why i m failing and what should i do i m ready for any kind of hard work thank you .................
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