Bulls, Bears & The Lion


Well-Known Member
Daily & Hourly chart both suggest more downside. US has no new story AFAIK..
Actually I can tell you the story... :)

Bernanke will come and say... US market is growing at a healthy pace, but we would like to keep the rates unchanged for extended period.. market will zoom... poor retailers will buy and then operators will dump it later.. :rofl: :rofl:

Thats whats going on in US since october.
Did I said it? Poor retailers...

See FED statement will NOT be positive if not negative as well.. they are not going to reduce the rate any further so no positive sentiment. Only a confirmation of what market already knows, month after month. So if nothing has changed in system why should market rally?


Well-Known Member
Did I said it? Poor retailers...

See FED statement will NOT be positive if not negative as well.. they are not going to reduce the rate any further so no positive sentiment. Only a confirmation of what market already knows, month after month. So if nothing has changed in system why should market rally?
You were expecting the Fed to reduce rates to negative????
Or do away with the rates and start handing money???

People who anticipated a crash were banking on bernanke to give a jolt but life`s like that..

What this move however does prove is that the rally will not be held back in equity markets.And it is a huge positive and will signal the weakening of dollar in coming weeks.


Well-Known Member

Has market become a concrete jungle today?
There are no bears or bulls or the lions!


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