Bulls, Bears & The Lion


Well-Known Member
BALRAMCHIN... do you already own it? at what level... its looking like today it completed its down target or max can go to 93-92 levels

I would put a BUY on it.. for delivery without leverage and hold for couple of weeks it should give atleast 50% retracement to take it back to 132 kind of levels..
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Well-Known Member
Check Balram Chinni and Bharti Airtel. I am stuck on these for 2 weeks i think...according to trendlines, i bought bought balramchini in a downtrend channel....sucks...bharti is not the major worry....

Sugar stocks are in for big correction due to higher sugar output in India & falling sugar prices globally now. Book loss in Balrampur & go short in Bajajhind, Balrampur & Renuka to earn good profit & make up loss

Cheers !!!!

Alok Tewari


Well-Known Member
So the choice is yours now... one of us will be right :)

This thread solves all the problems :rofl:

Since sugar stocks had fallen heavily today, tomorrow could be some dead cat bounce which will be good opportunity to go short. Sugar stocks are falling not due to any technical reason but fundamental reason which is unlikely to change so soon. Technicals bounce will be there in between no doubt.

Cheers !!!

Alok Tewari


Well-Known Member
I am talking about weekly chart pattern and hitting a target line does not necessarily means a bounce back but read it like a wave hitting a wall on shore and coming back slowly.. who knows if the wall is weak enough to be broken :)

a sell at this level is like come kill me, I am ready for death.. no fear :)


Well-Known Member

hmmm....actually on the last moment of selecting this stock for buying i was hesitant...as the stock was in constant downchannel according to the trendlines and channeling method. Which i think i am paying off now...i have bought it at 112.8....hoping if i get 127 in a week or two....but as a short term trader it some times feels very much difficult for me to wait on some position.

I some where know the fact that near the EMA's entering from top i should buy, and going from bottom to top near EMA i should sell. But mistake is paying me off.


Well-Known Member
Not a mistake untill the first day....according to cci that time, it was a trendline breakup....which later next day turned into a zero line reject...which actually is a trend continuation pattern(downtrend in this case).

But i was not able to see that charts at eod cause of some problem, so holded...and today it zoomed to the downside, giving total respect to the zero line reject formed.

Mistake was that i have plotted the EMA 34 and EMA 20 on charts. I my self know very clearly, that when the share is in downtrend, as it approaches the ema, it will take resistance near the ema and will continue with the downtrend. VIce versa for buy side. I should have waited for it to make a high above ema 20 and 34 and then on the dip near ema from upside and with other signa should have bought it. Another thing was that the channel formed was downside, In downchannel we should only go for Short trades rather then long trades. That was again a mistake. Now i think i am stuck for two weeks atleast for it to give some return....

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