Bulls, Bears & The Lion


Well-Known Member
yup brother.....big accumulation is going on with suger....once they have removed the supply from the market, the normal traders will start to mark up the price and sooner the herd will join....i am hoping for the same....Hoping - but dont want a screwup in the end.


Well-Known Member
in the mean time vickas, have you dedicated this thread only for nifty or stocks can also b discussed...dont want to be posting off the discussion


Well-Known Member
That is on weekly chart so may take some time... about bharti I dont see its chart but better to get out of it when you get your level unless you want to hold for an year or two :)

All analysts are saying dump sugar so I guess sugar should shine :)
Sure sugar is shining Vikas since last 2 days. Over 10% down & counting. No technical analysis required for this. This is because sugar prices have crashed globally & higher production this year in India. Sugar stocks are bottomless pit now. No idea where they wl stop.

Cheers !!!

Alok Tewari


Well-Known Member

Tomorrow IIP nos. & I wl be damned if Nifty doesnot break 5160-5180 jinx tomorrow. with or without Wolffe wave or whatever. Let's see.

Cheers !!!

Alok Tewari

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