Bulls, Bears & The Lion


Well-Known Member
Even if they are going down, they will have to do it in a zig zag form. making ups and down. and when every body like you is selling some one is buying. some one is just averaging and accumulating the supply. The news you have provided is already with every one. Its the effect of that news that it has come down to this level from the top. now when the news is still bad you should consider buying it. and when the news is good you should sell. thats what the professional do...


Well-Known Member

Tomorrow IIP nos. & I wl be damned if Nifty doesnot break 5160-5180 jinx tomorrow. with or without Wolffe wave or whatever. Let's see.

Cheers !!!

Alok Tewari
Sure. What a trending day it was.. wish I was in the market with the money... :)


Well-Known Member
todays result shows that tomorrow can be a upside rally
WOW. How right one can get. 5160 done today. 5180 tomorrow for sure maybe in gapup if DOW MOW doesn't play games. Then rest IIP nos. will take care. We will see 5200 before 5100. Once that happens 5100 PE will loose money fast.

Regarding sugar, please take my advise & get out of sugar quickly on any rally unless u like to do contrarian play with high risk. No point in loosing 20% & gaining 10% on rally & booking at loss. Bajajhind could see below 140 very soon. 4 weeks is very long time in sugar & no one plays long time play in sugar. By the way I am short in both Renuka & Bajajhind since 178.5 & 160 levels with trailing SLs. That is after I made good money in them with my longs earlier.

Cheers !!!

Alok Tewari


Well-Known Member
yup brother.....big accumulation is going on with suger....once they have removed the supply from the market, the normal traders will start to mark up the price and sooner the herd will join....i am hoping for the same....Hoping - but dont want a screwup in the end.

Hope is biggest screw up in stock market. Logic says if you are in wrong side of trade , get out. There will be another day to fight the battle. Don't hope things will turn in your favour. Infact sugar short is best hedge at the moment for going long in Nifty.

Cheers !!!!

Alok Tewari


Well-Known Member
Important US Data in another 1 hour

[B]                              Previous             Expectations[/B]
[B]Trade Balance[/B]                  -40.20B                -41.00B 	
[B]Initial Jobless Claims[/B]         469.00K                455.00K 		
[B]Natural Gas Storage[/B]           -116.00B

Looking at various charts USD, US 10Y Bond, Gold, Silver, Dow, S&P... I am predicting & expecting numbers to leave negative sentiment atleast to start with. Lets see how numbers are...


Well-Known Member
Bad Numbers... not so bad... but not at par with expectations... lets wait for the reactions

[B]                              Previous                Current[/B]
[B]Trade Balance[/B]                  -40.20B                [COLOR="DarkGreen"]-37.3B[/COLOR]
[B]Initial Jobless Claims[/B]         469.00K                [COLOR="Red"]462.00K[/COLOR]

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