Bulls, Bears & The Lion


Well-Known Member
My break-even positions for Monday... (including brokerage)

1 x NF Short @ 5037
1 x 5100CE Long @ 96.90
1 x 4700PE Long @ 47.70

Edit: ..brokerage is Rs. 3 per lot as I traded them on Kotak instead of RK due to some issues with RK.. darn it :(

You all have a great weekend and hoping I will have a good one too :)


Well-Known Member
My break-even positions for Monday... (including brokerage)

1 x NF Short @ 5037
1 x 5100CE Long @ 96.90
1 x 4700PE Long @ 47.70

Edit: ..brokerage is Rs. 3 per lot as I traded them on Kotak instead of RK due to some issues with RK.. darn it :(

You all have a great weekend and hoping I will have a good one too :)

Closed all positions...

NF covered @ 5028
5100CE booked @ 102
4700PE booked @ 44

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