Bulls, Bears & The Lion


Well-Known Member
Can you please make it more clear as I always sell when top was at 5365 and i short 5328 and bottom was at 4853 and I bought 4880:confused::confused:
I always buy call put at same time so dont care which way moving:thumb:
This buying put and call or mixing the two buying or selling the different option at the same time is not yet udnerstood to me...confuses me....straddle abi samajh nahi aya....i tried to understand it from AW10 thread about options, but we understand more in real time, and that thread has reached far beyond that....

praveen taneja

Well-Known Member
Bro this is as simple as a kid eats lolypop:thumb:
All you have to do is keep in mind support and resistence
like if now we know 4980 res and 4890 support and bearish sentiment
I woul dtomm in case of gap open would buy 5000 put of may with 5100 call of june on retracement after gap up:thumb:
that would be my hedge of 5000 put
normally mkt retrace about 25% of gap up so around that i would book my put and enter call there even if mkt want to go down normally it touch or break HOD once there u can cover call or enter put again
It can happen mkt dont go up and keep on going down so u have call - profit of put as sl simple
I am doing this for years and it works 90%
PS; Ram ji ki kripa se sab kaam ho rahaa hai
Karte hain mere Ram mera naam ho raha hai:clap:


Well-Known Member
Bro this is as simple as a kid eats lolypop:thumb:
All you have to do is keep in mind support and resistence
like if now we know 4980 res and 4890 support and bearish sentiment
I woul dtomm in case of gap open would buy 5000 put of may with 5100 call of june on retracement after gap up:thumb:
that would be my hedge of 5000 put
normally mkt retrace about 25% of gap up so around that i would book my put and enter call there even if mkt want to go down normally it touch or break HOD once there u can cover call or enter put again
It can happen mkt dont go up and keep on going down so u have call - profit of put as sl simple
I am doing this for years and it works 90%
PS; Ram ji ki kripa se sab kaam ho rahaa hai
Karte hain mere Ram mera naam ho raha hai:clap:
Praveen bhai, is strategy ko leke ek live thread start karo na...like putting your trades and methodolgy behind it there...like when u take the trade put it there...or i think you can continue in existing thread of PT style...will check and see regularly....

with options i used to trade with call and put in one sided way...like if i got buy signal on chart, i buy call, if i got sell signal, i will buy put....but now i am thinking of it bit differently...selling put when bullish, selling call when bearish signal...lets c what performance it gives...i think selling is more safer then buying...i try to work on in the money or deep in the money options...


Active Member
Forget Seniors...Dont want to name whom i consider seniors cause that creates controversy with the names.

Forget this also. U enter the share world, the first line of teaching that you might be hearing from mentors, gurus, books etc. or you might be knowing urself is, that buy the dips, and sell the top. And what you are telling is exactly the opposite. Buying when the market was at 5300-5400, and selling now at 4900-4800.
1st you talk about unknown seniors, now about me advising buying at 5300, etc etc. you seem confused, check the facts before making random statements :cool:

buying dips is catching falling knife and selling tops well many have been selling tops since last year and still not sure if the got it right, so maybe you heard that on cnbc :rofl: I think what i learnt is go with the flow and trail your stops, rest is all for tukka kings ;) only one pro I know PTbhai :clapping:
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