Come into the Trader's Den


Well-Known Member
Dear Friends,

I wanted to know how to upload an image or an xls sheet image (not as attachment) in the post. I looked for this info at some places here but couldn't locate. If anyone could kindly provide me the link or the procedure, I would be grateful.

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For Images :

Upload your file on or and they will provide a link to that image. They will also provide the tag link for such forums. Copy that link and paste it in your post.

I prefer and am posting three pictures of the same :

1) The home screen, where you can choose the file to upload .


2) Then the security code screen :

Try it.. you will find it helpful.

Later on, for all other non-picture files, you can use to upload your files. Another option maybe through google docs (available through your gmail), where you can select some document to be visible to everyone.

3) Then it uploads the file and gives you the links to share the file. You can use the 2nd option under "Share this image"



Well-Known Member
Thanks TP, seems quite an effort to do this. I intent to demonstrate multi TF - multi objective - multi risk - multi reward trades in real time. (primarily options trades, w.r.t. Dan's queries in his thread 'I will give you surprise'...) I think I can post it through an excel sheet.

So you mean there are two ways, either upload the file on rapidshare and keep on changing/updating it or take a screen shot of the excel file and upload it in the post as what you have done. Right?

And yes, the effort to do all this should be less than the effort need to execute the trade itself.;)

Hi All ,

Thanks for the great input.
I face a nice Dillema over here.

1.Conservative Wisdom of Grandfather , Uncle etc (Successfull Industrialists) advise strongly against
Stock Trading - they suggest investing and regular real business focus.

Of Course Certainity does not exist ,but is it possible to have steady income (lets say a safe 30% annualy)
worthy of the time and proving it to them from Stock Markets.
This is to say that sincerity over here should pay , not luckr and gamble.
And Definitely not continuous daily monitoring , but weekly reviw or Overnight Review.

Please do share your experiences.



Well-Known Member
Your welcome aces27.

Your dilemma is valid. I have very controversial views on it, which many may not like. We have grown up listening to our elders cause they were the first point of gyan to us. Nothing wrong with it. Infact that is the best way at early stage of our growth. Now when we are adult, we have to challenge this belief. We need to check their input or for that matter input for its applicability in current and future world. With new reality, which in majority of cases we understand better then our father, their gyan may not be relevant anymore.

I refer to it as "Belief verification" exercise which might have to take up from time to time.
When someone says that stock trading is gambling, you loose money in it, only way to make money is slog like donkey and trade your time for money. But look around it, majority of rich people have their own business. If is upto individual to take trading as business and as any other profession like engg, medical, accounts etc... or treat it like a hobby/ addiction /gamble etc.

To me, this profession has got so much money that many other professionals will get confused counting zeroes in it. Even a tiny drop of that can take of our generation.
It is very close to the perfect business for financial freedom. You can leverage it to any heights without depending on anybody else.

Only limiting factor is WE, the trader / investor. I got into this field leaving well cushioned mid mgmt level position in corporate world cause of various advantages that it bring. I would rather put in the effort on road that takes me to where I want to go, rather then putting effort on a dead-end road.

Return of 30%, looks great for non-trader person, but that a pro-trader will ask the question "In what Time period". On annual basis, it is trainee's traders reward number.

But please don't think that it is easy.It is really really tough and frustrating battle field here. It is battle with yourself, with your subconscious mind, who knows you much better your own conscious mind. Day in and day out. Majority of traders are looser are just breakeven traders. Main reason is that they don't put in the effort where it is required, and they don't improve on themselves in terms of discipline, self control, their money mindset, their risk mgmt skills etc.

So you got to assess pros and cons and select your own path. If it is learnt in structured way, with same dedication like one would give to any other profession, then success is possible. When they can do it, then you can too.

Happy Trading/investing.
Thanks for your inputs AW10.
I agree to you to most extents.
And yes even I have had some trials to realise that 30% is quite small.
I love Options. Though I have lost and stood embarrased naked.

1.But can this be done with somewhat certainity.
Considering self to be reasonbly bright and sincere.

2.Also At the moment , this cannot be a full time profession.
Maybe an hour every day. Is that acceptable , Or continuous monitoring to
buy / sell is required.

3.Being more specific to your option spreads thread , Assuming reasonably In depth knowlege of Options and most strategies , how do we go about predicting the direction of the market / stocks.
How do we discover certainity.
Lets say a few examples
3.a.Good results / enthusiasm => Upward movement for a couple of days
grab a part of it.
3.b.Continuous fall of some heavy weight like Reliance for 4 -5 days , calls for reversal.

I am personally not a fan of Technical Analysis , its more of drawing figures in clouds. But Would like to hear more opinions from the Den.

I truly seek your advise , and thank you for your time.
You are making significant difference in finanacial lives / thought of many here.


Well-Known Member
Hi AW10

You wrote in your last post about trading :

You can leverage it to any heights without depending on anybody else.

Don't you think that this sentence can be very much wrong interpreted ?

Each time we make a profit in our trading, we only can make it because of some body else. This some body has sold or bought what we want to buy or sell.

So, we incredible depend on others in trading. All our profits depend on others and as bigger as we get, as more others we need to make bigger profits.

Did any body ever look at trading from that perspective?


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Well-Known Member
Hi AW10

You wrote in your last post about trading :

You can leverage it to any heights without depending on anybody else.

Don't you think that this sentence can be very much wrong interpreted ?

Each time we make a profit in our trading, we only can make it because of some body else. This some body has sold or bought what we want to buy or sell.

So, we incredible depend on others in trading. All our profits depend on others and as bigger as we get, as more others we need to make bigger profits.

Did any body ever look at trading from that perspective?


Dan, what I meant with that stmt is, the growth of business.
If I am trading with 100,000 of account, risking 2% (i.e. R=2k), and consistently making 7R a month i.e. 14k a month.
To double this business, I just need to increase the capital to 200,000 (whichi is same as Raising finance for business), and maybe put another 5 to 10% extra effort and my business is on next scale. Compare this to any other business, where you have to find customer, increase your delivery capabiliy, recruit more people, do more marketing etc.

Looking at the current size of market where turnover is in billions,there are ample of people to satisfy our needs of buying /selling. You are right, when portfolio size reaches the size of few billions, then my stmt might be wrong.

Happy trading.

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