Come into the Trader's Den


Well-Known Member
Insider trading is rampart and sometimes I think most of big ticket trading is insider trading. Getting clues from Directors ,auditors ,consultants and others sitting on the board and trading on price sensitive information as almost done thing here in our country but in US where insider trading laws are very stringent, it happens there too .....

The names involved are very respected names in management and consulting fields. Truth will come out in due course but one feels sad that the lure of money and more money does not leave such highly placed people too.....

Is it a fact that behind every success there is a crime ? No idea yet as I am nowhere near there.....:D



Well-Known Member
Chk out this news link -

Does this reflect on the values of educated/best of breed educated Indians too ? In what way are they different from corrupt politicians ?

I know it is not fair to generallize it, still can't stop thinking on above lines...?

just sharing this with news..
What would you do pal , if you had access to information about the future price of a stock in advance in which you are heavily invested ?

I hope insider trading gets legalized someday. As it is it happens all the time , might as well cut those unnecessary jobs which are created to track down insider trading.



Well-Known Member
Dear Trader, Get a glass of water, tighten your seatbelt and Get ready for real trading roller coaster ride with this video. Assume for a moment that you are already in a trade, or if not, then you are trying to jump in the trade. People interested in tape-reading can see the tape and orderflow on the right side columns.
Have Fun.


Well-Known Member

Hope all of you are ok. Some thing for option traders and for you AW10.

What does the word " Options" mean ? There is an acronym I recently fall over :

Opportunities Present Themselves In Obscure Non-traditional Sources


welcome back dan..:) TJ missing your option teachings .....


Well-Known Member
Dear Friends,

I am proposing a concept of demonstrating trading and investment portfolio here on this forum. This is in continuation of the flow in my other theard 'A bird's eye view....". I would like your views and if some of you trading since quite a few years now would like to participate in this.

This concept is not new and there are online medias and contest conducted overseas but I have not heard or seen any such in India. I am talking about trading on virtual money and uploading the virtual trading and investment portfolio here on this forum. We can set rules, have standard format, performance parameters and evaluation parameters. We can start off with a few of us participating in this game which will start on a particular day with a given amount. This contest will have end time too viz 6 months or a year or whatever period we all can decide.

Since time to be spent here will he a constraint to a lot of us we can make this trading - investment game on the basis of end of the week prices and make all our buy - sell on Friday's closing prices. This will mean that we will have to exclude intraday trades as well as overnight trades. We can also try and do it on daily closing basis too if most of you think so (but I would restrict myself here since I am not spending time daily on the Indian markets).

For the above thing to kick off, we will need volenteers who can devise excel formats for trade entry, exit and report generation etc. We will also need someone to monitor the validity of the trades / prices. This will be real life scenarios and while we take the trades, we can give a gist /reason (in the remarkes section in the format) for undertaking the trade, target price or period of holding for exit. This will help other game participants, non participating members and newbies too.

I know to start this wont be easy as we will need someone (who is a good techie and understand all market instruments) to take down the requirements from me / or some of us who are going to participate in this game.

I request your constructive feedback on this subject.



Well-Known Member
Dear Friends,

I am proposing a concept of demonstrating trading and investment portfolio here on this forum. This is in continuation of the flow in my other theard 'A bird's eye view....". I would like your views and if some of you trading since quite a few years now would like to participate in this.

This concept is not new and there are online medias and contest conducted overseas but I have not heard or seen any such in India. I am talking about trading on virtual money and uploading the virtual trading and investment portfolio here on this forum. We can set rules, have standard format, performance parameters and evaluation parameters. We can start off with a few of us participating in this game which will start on a particular day with a given amount. This contest will have end time too viz 6 months or a year or whatever period we all can decide.

Since time to be spent here will he a constraint to a lot of us we can make this trading - investment game on the basis of end of the week prices and make all our buy - sell on Friday's closing prices. This will mean that we will have to exclude intraday trades as well as overnight trades. We can also try and do it on daily closing basis too if most of you think so (but I would restrict myself here since I am not spending time daily on the Indian markets).

For the above thing to kick off, we will need volenteers who can devise excel formats for trade entry, exit and report generation etc. We will also need someone to monitor the validity of the trades / prices. This will be real life scenarios and while we take the trades, we can give a gist /reason (in the remarkes section in the format) for undertaking the trade, target price or period of holding for exit. This will help other game participants, non participating members and newbies too.

I know to start this wont be easy as we will need someone (who is a good techie and understand all market instruments) to take down the requirements from me / or some of us who are going to participate in this game.

I request your constructive feedback on this subject.

hi Tnsn

the idea in principle looks good... but probably wd be suitable fr traders who do positional trading or trade higher tfs.. I believe it would be difficult to record the trades (realtime) of traders who may be in and out of their trades at times even intraday...



Well-Known Member
Yes Anurag, I know this will be difficult / not possible to record intraday trades (unless there is some software or dummy accounts) and hence I mentioned the same thing earlier. So at best we can have overnight trades or higher TF trades. Also most importantly through this one thing what we can demonstrate to lot of struggling traders (primarily intraday traders) that good money can be made in larger TF with more ease and less anxiety.

I we all brainstorm here then we can possibly arrive at some accetable model where many of us can participate. I am a bad techie hence will need help from members here on this front. Let us see how many ideas we get here on this subject and how we can carry it forward.


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