Come into the Trader's Den


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE=tnsn2345;523603]Dear Friends,

Since a last few months, I have been mentioning this and have spent time on realigning my trading activities, trading method, also involving stepping down on some of multiple TF trading portfolios. The prime objective was to lead a more balanced life, spending some good quality time. I am happy that I have concluded this task and very soon will implement the new plan meeting my objective.

I am thankful to a lot of members here on various thread and their thoughts through discussions, agreements, disagreements, which have helped me to get into a new mould.

On this note, my mind has been constantly begin bothered about sharing with you some of the things that I do.

But I am not too sure what and how I should share, this is the dilemma. There are certain limitations for me too, time being one of them. Should it be the trading model (which will take quite a time here) or one particular TF trading portfolio record or describing all or most of the multiple TF trading plans. Or to show how different risk profile person would manage the same money trading different assets i.e. parallel portfolios with same starting amount for different risk profiles.

To add to the above dilemma, I do not know how to show these, track, monitor so readers can understand what and why it is done (am not a good techie). I may not be able to show my entire tracking system as they may not easily be understood by many as they have many interlinkages culminating into the broader portfolio than individual subtrading portfolios.

Then there are some well controlled large /medium TF trading portfolios with properly defined parameters for measurement and control, and there are some extremely speculative and micro short TF - as little as 1 min holding 15:29 (previous day) to 9:16 (next day), with potential of generating returns in multiples - focussing only on gap ups / gap downs.

And to add there are portfolios of stocks (longer TF) and a Options (shorter TF), and some hedged and some naked.

I think it may take me some time to decide on how I may want to contribute here and will open a new thread shortly once I am able to arrive at some conclusion. Till I do that, I am open for your feedback, which may also help me to decide on future course of action.


hi Tnsn

just take it step by step... even if u do not want to/or are not able to share your exact systems, (I know a lot of blood & sweat goes in the formation of a system which suits ur own personality... lots of thinking, reasoning,changes occur frm time to time as new obsevations come in and may even be very difficult for a person to understand frm outside) any insights into ur 'thought process' would be, in my opinion, very benefecial to all of us here..

Hello Tnsn,

You may consider opening of thread in the new Members Discussion subgroup where whatever you want to share can be shared without any motivated criticism and only members whom you think can contribute in positive way may be allowed to post. Viewing is open to all...

You can start with some trading ideas and how you meshed those in your trading methods.....also few of the methods and some model trades for one week or so on these methods will help to understand these better....

Looking forward to this thread....

Best wishes,



Well-Known Member
Dear TNSN, I wait for your post eagerly as they always carry something which I can borrow and add to my trading/investing. So waiting for your new thread too.

IMO, this forum has limited discussion on portfolio mgmt, swing to long term investing, hedging, long term wealth accumulation as active trader etc. So any contribution on these topics will be great.

IMO, discussion on any specific strategy is like spoonfeeding. It may not benefit people in long run, cause they will not have maturity adjust the strategy to meet their own trading psychology. As turtle trader mentioned that even if his detailed rules are published, people will not be able to make money with those rules.

My personal choice is to kickoff the idea and discuss the idea /support people to use those ideas so that people can develop their own trading. My NR7 thread, Low-risk-option .. threads are supporting that belief. So pickup the approach based on what is your belief and then you will be able to make some time to support them. Otherwise, you might find it difficult to maintain the momentum when their is conflict in what u believe and what you do.

Hope this helps.

(and ofcourse, I like discussing anything with traders hence Den thread also fits the purpose. Even after my other committments, I manage to get back to these threads).

happy trading


Well-Known Member
Dear Friends,

Since a last few months, I have been mentioning this and have spent time on realigning my trading activities, trading method, also involving stepping down on some of multiple TF trading portfolios. The prime objective was to lead a more balanced life, spending some good quality time. I am happy that I have concluded this task and very soon will implement the new plan meeting my objective.

I am thankful to a lot of members here on various thread and their thoughts through discussions, agreements, disagreements, which have helped me to get into a new mould.

On this note, my mind has been constantly begin bothered about sharing with you some of the things that I do.

But I am not too sure what and how I should share, this is the dilemma. There are certain limitations for me too, time being one of them. Should it be the trading model (which will take quite a time here) or one particular TF trading portfolio record or describing all or most of the multiple TF trading plans. Or to show how different risk profile person would manage the same money trading different assets i.e. parallel portfolios with same starting amount for different risk profiles.

To add to the above dilemma, I do not know how to show these, track, monitor so readers can understand what and why it is done (am not a good techie). I may not be able to show my entire tracking system as they may not easily be understood by many as they have many interlinkages culminating into the broader portfolio than individual subtrading portfolios.

Then there are some well controlled large /medium TF trading portfolios with properly defined parameters for measurement and control, and there are some extremely speculative and micro short TF - as little as 1 min holding 15:29 (previous day) to 9:16 (next day), with potential of generating returns in multiples - focussing only on gap ups / gap downs.

And to add there are portfolios of stocks (longer TF) and a Options (shorter TF), and some hedged and some naked.

I think it may take me some time to decide on how I may want to contribute here and will open a new thread shortly once I am able to arrive at some conclusion. Till I do that, I am open for your feedback, which may also help me to decide on future course of action.

Dear Tnsn,

Thanks a lot in advance for sharing your ideas.
More than the exact strategies please enlighten us with the Basics,fundamentals and rationale behind the MTF or any other strategy(s).

For ex - Markets moves in cycles some times portfolio in one TF outperforms the same portfolio in another TF.So how to choose the ideal TF(s) etc.

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Well-Known Member
Dear Friends,

Well, we could now begin as early as tomorrow - a non-working and market off day. So a great day to flag off.

Thank you for your suggestions as they have helped me to chalk out this small journey, which I hope will help me introduce some concetps which may open vista and a new dimention to look at trading.


p.s. Just to clarify, market off for me as I would be at home tomorrow and I do not trade when at home.
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Well-Known Member
Dear Friends,

Well, we could now begin as early as tomorrow - a non-working and market off day. So a great day to flag off.

Thank you for your suggestions as they have helped me to chalk out this small journey, which I hope will help me introduce some concetps which may open vista and a new dimention to look at trading.


p.s. Just to clarify, market off for me as I would be at home tomorrow and I do not trade when at home.
Dear tnsn,
I don't think market close's working day..:)as per nse site..holidays


Well-Known Member
Seems bull market in S&P500 has no end to it..

There comes a time in all bull market, when it seems that there is no end to it..Prices just keep going up, day after day, week after week. We get a feeling of left behind (if not in market), or extreme happiness (if already in market). And then all of a sudden, we get a major correction or end of bull market..

I looked at S&P500 market also found that market has been going up (making continuous higher highs on weekly chart) for last 12 weeks.In table below, I have also summarised the time when market was showing the bullish extremely of going up by more then 6 weeks. Since 2007, I have never found dream run of 12 up weeks, not sure if dotcom peak had that kind of run or not.

On average, market drops by about 10+% in next 3 weeks.

Just 2 days back S&P500 hit 1333. which is almost double of its Mar-09 low of 666.8. (100% in just less then 2 year. Can we call it dream bull run).

Let's wait and see what is coming this time...For me, it is time to collect my money on longs and run... (or look for shorting opportunities..).

Happy Trading and Don't forget to trade what you SEE,.

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