Come into the Trader's Den


Well-Known Member
Let me address a couple of points you made. I'm also glad you brought it up about "offensive (4 pips)", so let me clarify. ......... "Well, I gambled, so there is nothing I can do about it. I just wasn't lucky."
Dear 4xpip,

Few final words from myside on this subject, people here in discussion are not gamblers and all have successful method of trading. We all are striving to do better, faster and easier, something like what we do in our regular life, try to make life more comfortable, predictable and reduce uncertainty.

So the traits of a succussful gambler and a successful trader would be similar in the same way of unsuccessful gambler an unsuccessful trader. To end, whenever I spend money (especially extravagently) made from trading on leisure and luxury, a thought runs across my mind that it is at the cost of someones' basic needs - someone, who was on the other side of my successful trades.

Enjoy the weekend with your family.

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Well-Known Member
Thought this side talk with Dan would be appropriate here instead of his new thread...

I will positively visit and I let you know, when I can. As you know my temper and as you know, how I forget about this temper, you not have to ap any thing. I have !

But I warn you, I am a wild man from the mountain :D and if any body get afraid, you may show me your Yetty:rofl:

If you like to do so, just tell me in advance and I will organize an other time to go to any airport in India :D

Dan from the mountains
Dear Dan,

Just stepping aside for a side talk and purposely writing this here instead of a PM so others can also be enlightened...

I have been humbled by the markets for a few years when I started trading and over these years, I have mellowed down my temprament and this has benefited my trading. Infact if I look behind, if feel my aggressiveness or quick temprament could be one of the prime reason for unsuccess then. Now knowing your temprament, expressive and outburst on things which are not in line with your beliefs, I would like you to tell us if this has been a hinderence in your trading life or conversely if it has helped (would be surprising indeed) you in your trading.

Kindly suggest what's your take on this.


p.s. Guys, I know this is at a risk I am posting this and the fear is I could agitate him and take away his motivation of posting his ideas on his new thread, but this question was lingering in my mind since long time and now I could not resist but ask him.


Well-Known Member
LOL.I was enjoying Enya. I decided to hear that video, and back to Enya I went. Now, I really enjoy her. I don't like blues (Because it males me feel blue.) I'm more New Age and classified. (Rats! No one will say thank-you for this post.)
You might know me better than I think. My wife and I have a wonderful weekend planned. It will begin with my previews for next week. After that, it will be fun and frolic with several of our grandchildren, and then my wife and I will go out, just me and her. Ahhh yes, life is good even when I don't have a chart in front of me.

I was goggling new age, as I am not familiar with it.

My father was a real drummer and musician. So I am going to show you only once and for the first time, with what kind of music I grove up. My father wanted me to be a guitar player. I never became one.

Those guys are the cream of the cream when it comes to guitar playing. Enjoy it and what ever. I know, not Indian culture. Even than, the best of the best.



Well-Known Member
Thanks, tnsn.
My thoughts agree with yours as in "final words". I made my point, and feel passionate about it. I definitely don't want to make enemies, so I am bowing out.
I am glad the originator brought the subject up. I think we all agree that it brings on some constructive dialogue.

Dear 4xpip,

Few final words from myside on this subject, people here in discussion are not gamblers and all have successful method of trading. We all are striving to do better, faster and easier, something like what we do in our regular life, try to make life more comfortable, predictable and reduce uncertainty.

So the traits of a succussful gambler and a successful trader would be similar in the same way of unsuccessful gambler an unsuccessful trader. To end, whenever I spend money (especially extravagently) made from trading on leisure and luxury, a thought runs across my mind that it is at the cost of someones' basic needs - someone, who was on the other side of my successful trades.

Enjoy the weekend with your family.



Well-Known Member
Ooooh yeah, that's some music I can wrap my ears around. I got some friends that are really good on several string instruments. They will play music similar to "Dueling Banjos" (1973). They get to playing so fast, and one will stop and the other will go. It sounds like their instruments are arguing with each other. It makes for some great summer fun around the campfire, as well as our picnics on Memorial Day and Labor Day.
I just copied that song to my audio collection. If you got some more of it, pass it on. I'll give you my e-mail out of this venue if it helps. : Click on this link. It has a lot of Enya's music. I have all 9 of her albums. I also like Yanni, and many more.


I was goggling new age, as I am not familiar with it.

My father was a real drummer and musician. So I am going to show you only once and for the first time, with what kind of music I grove up. My father wanted me to be a guitar player. I never became one.

Those guys are the cream of the cream when it comes to guitar playing. Enjoy it and what ever. I know, not Indian culture. Even than, the best of the best.



Well-Known Member
Thought this side talk with Dan would be appropriate here instead of his new thread...

Dear Dan,

Just stepping aside for a side talk and purposely writing this here instead of a PM so others can also be enlightened...

I have been humbled by the markets for a few years when I started trading and over these years, I have mellowed down my temprament and this has benefited my trading. Infact if I look behind, if feel my aggressiveness or quick temprament could be one of the prime reason for unsuccess then. Now knowing your temprament, expressive and outburst on things which are not in line with your beliefs, I would like you to tell us if this has been a hinderence in your trading life or conversely if it has helped (would be surprising indeed) you in your trading.

Kindly suggest what's your take on this.


p.s. Guys, I know this is at a risk I am posting this and the fear is I could agitate him and take away his motivation of posting his ideas on his new thread, but this question was lingering in my mind since long time and now I could not resist but ask him.
Hi Tnsn2345

You may read this post of mine. Should give you an idea about my trading past :

I did not mention any thing in this post about my brokers relation ship at those time. My temper to them was a problem. When I had to wait for 5 or 10 minutes for any filled or for information's from the floor about any bid ask for certain positions, I started to get nervous.

So, to much temper there can bring you in trouble. On the other hand, some of broker houses have more educated people and some do not. After I changed to a more educated broker house, I also have less arguings. It was an advice of one of my friends, to make the change, as he had the same problem with brokers.

As I wrote ones in a post : Test any broker house about his knowledge before working together with them. This is not so important for pure future traders. If you do options ( as you and me do ), it is very important to have a person on the other side of the line, which has some understanding of what you do.

Hope this gives some ideas to your question.

Have a nice Sunday



Well-Known Member
Intra day trading - 1. price can not take more than 3 directions in single trading day . profit at sharp big spike but do not take reverse position.

3.every visual support and resistance should be respected . reverse trade at these levels will benefit often .

4. William r% touching extreme before rsi touching the extreme is sign of trend resumption .

5.rsi retreat while price remaining flat is also sign of strong resumption of trend .

6.breaching of yesterday high-low or todays high-low is a clear signal of start of 1st direction .

7.if you have money to buy 4 lot of nifty , trade with 1 lot of nifty ... if stop hit when you re-enter in trade with 2 lot .. if this time target achived ..your previous loss can be coverd and you could be in profits .. but if your 2nd stop also hit ... reverse your trade with 4 lots ...mostly 3 stop may not hit in single day .. but there is no not trade after that .

8. stop-loss is like GOD to traders .. so use stop loss in your each and every trade .


Well-Known Member
Hi Tnsn2345

You may read this post of mine. Should give you an idea about my trading past :

I did not mention any thing in this post about my brokers relation ship at those time. My temper to them was a problem. When I had to wait for 5 or 10 minutes for any filled or for information's from the floor about any bid ask for certain positions, I started to get nervous.

So, to much temper there can bring you in trouble. On the other hand, some of broker houses have more educated people and some do not. After I changed to a more educated broker house, I also have less arguings. It was an advice of one of my friends, to make the change, as he had the same problem with brokers.

As I wrote ones in a post : Test any broker house about his knowledge before working together with them. This is not so important for pure future traders. If you do options ( as you and me do ), it is very important to have a person on the other side of the line, which has some understanding of what you do.

Hope this gives some ideas to your question.

Have a nice Sunday

Dear Dan,

Well I got some inputs on your dealing with brokers, but not on how your temprament has affected your trading decisions. Ok some other time, we will discuss this.



Well-Known Member
Dear Friends,

Since a last few months, I have been mentioning this and have spent time on realigning my trading activities, trading method, also involving stepping down on some of multiple TF trading portfolios. The prime objective was to lead a more balanced life, spending some good quality time. I am happy that I have concluded this task and very soon will implement the new plan meeting my objective.

I am thankful to a lot of members here on various thread and their thoughts through discussions, agreements, disagreements, which have helped me to get into a new mould.

On this note, my mind has been constantly begin bothered about sharing with you some of the things that I do.

But I am not too sure what and how I should share, this is the dilemma. There are certain limitations for me too, time being one of them. Should it be the trading model (which will take quite a time here) or one particular TF trading portfolio record or describing all or most of the multiple TF trading plans. Or to show how different risk profile person would manage the same money trading different assets i.e. parallel portfolios with same starting amount for different risk profiles.

To add to the above dilemma, I do not know how to show these, track, monitor so readers can understand what and why it is done (am not a good techie). I may not be able to show my entire tracking system as they may not easily be understood by many as they have many interlinkages culminating into the broader portfolio than individual subtrading portfolios.

Then there are some well controlled large /medium TF trading portfolios with properly defined parameters for measurement and control, and there are some extremely speculative and micro short TF - as little as 1 min holding 15:29 (previous day) to 9:16 (next day), with potential of generating returns in multiples - focussing only on gap ups / gap downs.

And to add there are portfolios of stocks (longer TF) and a Options (shorter TF), and some hedged and some naked.

I think it may take me some time to decide on how I may want to contribute here and will open a new thread shortly once I am able to arrive at some conclusion. Till I do that, I am open for your feedback, which may also help me to decide on future course of action.


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