Creating wealth with 25000...impossible?? No...possible


Active Member
Hi coolboy,i sold my ce at 162.A profit of 20.Played some intraday.Now i have 4 lot 3300 ce at 73 and 2 lot 2700 pe at 93.In option trading i generally track mini nifty volume.I think next week we are going to see 3400 nifty and perhaps Obama is going to take some step to save U.S. economy.It my view.


Well-Known Member
Hi coolboy,i sold my ce at 162.A profit of 20.Played some intraday.Now i have 4 lot 3300 ce at 73 and 2 lot 2700 pe at 93.In option trading i generally track mini nifty volume.I think next week we are going to see 3400 nifty and perhaps Obama is going to take some step to save U.S. economy.It my view.
Arjit how cn u sell ur Nifty ce 3100 at 162 when days high was 159.50.
What ar u tyin to say?????


Active Member
Coolboy it was 3000 ce.And high was 212.Typing mistake.Nifty had gone to +100 so u can understand it is a profitable trade.Sorry to discomfort u.


Well-Known Member
Coolboy it was 3000 ce.And high was 212.Typing mistake.Nifty had gone to +100 so u can understand it is a profitable trade.Sorry to discomfort u.
Oh ok ok understood. Did u sell the Ce at mkts opening bcoz u sold cheaper as compared to closing price.
Anyways u made profits and that good.
squared off nifty puts strk 2900 @ 172 , as nifty spot traded above 2985

position :- NIL

loss in the current position :- 195- 172 = 2300 -brkrg

19500-2550= 16950
current net worth :-

47300- 2550= 44750
i will buy back the same puts if nifty spot trades below 2953

and revert my position by buying calls only if nifty spot closes well above 3020
Optimist, surprised to see the dramatic shift in your trade from deep OTM options to
ATM options.. and from low premium options to high premium.

Any learning, observation, experience from prev trades ? Or applying new method ?

Happy Trading and all the best for your journey to wealth creation.
you are right , i changed my method as market now is taking some time to decide its direction. So it is not wise to buy far out of money options at this time.. and more over these rides may not be longs enough for very OTM options.
And still if markets waver a lot and give another blow to my position , i will take out another tool i have in reserve to tame such situations.


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