Creating wealth with 25000...impossible?? No...possible

praveen taneja

Well-Known Member
I trade in options heavily but HAVE NEVER traded without a Hedge.
SL is useless these days as mkts straightaway open 200 points either side so the Ce or Pe value decreases heavily even before we cn think of Sq off.

Am also short on Nifty but with a very conservative strategy 2 lot 2600 pe and 1 3100 ce.
As i trade a bit in OTm ce pe , i always sq off my options positions before 20th of every month due to time decay.
HEdging is really very imp . even if it kills my Profit by 40% am happy using it to get even 60%:D

Will add one more Pe to my kitty if we go nearby 3100.
Will advise you to hedge otherwise like me in my first trade , my 7-8k were wiped off straightaway without any chance.
:D I am watching a clear sign of coolboy becoming a COOL YOUNG MAN god bless u:)


Well-Known Member
Hi Optimist ,

Today i added a PE 2800 to my kitty. ( Am expecting mkts to fall frm 2moro towards levels of 2700)

Now my positions are

PE 2600 100 at 134
CE 3100 50 at 112
PE 2800 50 at 119.

Net loss till now 1925.
Hope u dont mind if i post on ur thread.

Did u do any more trades after ur PE one??

Best of luck
Hi Optimist,

I have an indea to buy the 2300 put @ lower price on Wednesday.....

Are you sure there is negative bias this month too......

With regards,


Well-Known Member

have u downloaded options oracle s/w , google it , its free and a immense help for options traders.
Inputting ur trades this is the info i got.

BTW u didnt mention ce or pe in ur post but i think its pe 2300 and ce 3600

if mkts touch 3350 u would be in a profit of Rs11500. [200 point up ]

at nifty 2950 ur profit will be arnd 1800. [200 point down ]

Am sure nifty wont go beyond that shortly.
these profit levels are approx. You dont have any risk as u r already in a strangle so enjoy the volatility , u will benefit more if mkts move up .


Well-Known Member
Hi coolboy,i have bought 2500 PE at 40.Not hedged.Any idea about it.I think U.S. Will fall after OBAMA win.
If u hv bought even 2 lots of ur PE at 40 its 4k.
bro , u need not hedge for a small capital.

My Pe were worth 19500 , so hav to protect that capital , who knows where mkts might go its just really volatile. so hedged with a 1 lot worth 5k.

My net loss right now is 5k , without ce it would have been 10k:eek:.

I expect mkts to reverse frm 3250 and fall till 2900 support levels. we hv risen 900 points nifty frm low , even today FII sold 15 crore and Dii sold 175 crores.

Both institutions are now not thinking it as 3100 a good level to buy , today was some retail buying and short covering.

I wont sq off as am also in a ce and hedged so my loss will decrease if mkts rise more. we still have the whole month i would advise u to buy one more Pe at 3250 levels( just 2 k ). Its just my suggestion and telling u wat i might do , am not a expert just a 17 yr old kid:) So take ur decisions bro
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