Creating wealth with 25000...impossible?? No...possible

praveen taneja

Well-Known Member

I missed the opportunity to short at 3250 levels as was at school. What a way mkts reversed.... straight to 2990. Enjoy ur Pe:)
hey boy u become or not good analyst but i am now see my prediction u are now cool man:D:Dgod bless u


Well-Known Member
hey boy u become or not good analyst but i am now see my prediction u are now cool man:D:Dgod bless u
Aree sir , just now hav started some charting wid help frm my uncle whoz a full time trader. he helped me in getting this 3250 value frm where mkts reversed.
Dont get time for much charting and cant compromise academics for trading.:)

praveen taneja

Well-Known Member
Aree sir , just now hav started some charting wid help frm my uncle whoz a full time trader. he helped me in getting this 3250 value frm where mkts reversed.
Dont get time for much charting and cant compromise academics for trading.:)
:D wow then start a thread level with help of my uncle like one lady started levels with the help of my husband:D sorry joking .Nice to see u growing fast god bless u


Active Member
Hi coolboy,i sold my put at 50.I have 20 lot.But today when i saw it trading above 80 i am speechless.BTW today i played intraday and made good amount.Before market closing i bought CE 3100 at 142(4 lot).I am also unable to trade full day as i am also a TEACHER in a college.Have u got any position over night?View on tomo. market.
Hi, after squaring off and trading thrice with puts and calls i now got 22300 in my account after paying brkrg..
loss = 25500 - 22300= 5700
total networth so far = 53000 - 5700= 47300

At present carrying 2 lots puts strk 2900 @ 195

will sqr off puts if nifty trades above 2985 spot
and will buy calls strk 3000, only if nifty spot closes above 3015



Well-Known Member
Optimist, surprised to see the dramatic shift in your trade from deep OTM options to
ATM options.. and from low premium options to high premium.

Any learning, observation, experience from prev trades ? Or applying new method ?

Happy Trading and all the best for your journey to wealth creation.


Well-Known Member
Hi coolboy,i sold my put at 50.I have 20 lot.But today when i saw it trading above 80 i am speechless.BTW today i played intraday and made good amount.Before market closing i bought CE 3100 at 142(4 lot).I am also unable to trade full day as i am also a TEACHER in a college.Have u got any position over night?View on tomo. market.
Hi arjit

No problem bro , never turn back after doin a trade or feel bad that u sold it cheap. I had bought oct Pe 3800 at 90 and sold at 140 , sometime back they were trading at 1200:eek:

I am sorry to say but it seems you made a mistake in buyin calls without hedging.

My positions are same as told b4. My TRGT is 2700 on nifty( alreaay given on 3rd Nov ) ,my trgts are met or not only destiny cn decide. Seeing the way Dow tumbling today , we may atleast meet 2750 2moro. I will see and sq of one 2800 pe 2moro , and keep holding 2 2600 pe and 1 3100 ce as am expecting downside in mkts. The way things are panning out globally we cn expect significant downside in mkts.

See u 2moro
have holiday frm school 2moro so will be online:)

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