Day Trading Stocks & Futures


Well-Known Member
Nifty 10800 PE is near zero already.. quoting at Rs 2.45
Is there any calculation that you are using (e.g option greeks) that supports your decision. ?
probably selling 11100 CE or 11000 PE would have been more lucrative .. just asking.

As per me , the move is not likely to go much more than 60 points either side.. seems like a lot of margin for not really much gains.. :)
More than 60 points on Nifty was not really expected after big move 2 days back
Today being Thursday .. it would be flat .. .. especially since Nifty weekly started ...
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This is becoming a menace. Dont which broker is selling our phone numbers.
Someone from upstox definitely leaked mine. I am very certain of that. But it is so so frustrating.
my method for handling these chaps ( or chappies) each time they call is to simply ask them to hold and keep the phone aside. they will hang on for 10-15 minutes sometimes and eventually give up.
no point losing our cool
i once asked them for funding my a/c and never heard from 1 particular guy. Asked for tips and for funds. Hadn't heard from that particular fellow again.

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