EoD Update of Fibotrader



Dear Soumya ,..
Thanx for ur concern, But i dont know why, its happening to me .
ok i will download it again,..

Dear Soumya
NO words to say no words to convey regarding the way you guided us to take advantage of the Fibotrader.About drawing tools especially pitchfork,Icannot define 3 different points to draw it,please help me in this regard


Well-Known Member
Dear Soumya

First of all i am sorry that i am posting in a wrong thread. But just to get early reply i am posting here. You have asked some time back for exporting intraday data from amibroker. I also want a afl for the same. After searching net i found this code

fh = fopen( "c:\\SaveData\\"+Name()+".txt", "w");
if( fh )
fputs( "Ticker,Date,Time,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume \n", fh );
y = Year();
m = Month();
d = Day();
r = Hour();
e = Minute();
n = Second();

for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )
fputs( Name() + "," , fh );
ds = StrFormat("%02.0f-%02.0f-%02.0f,",
y[ i ], m[ i ], d[ i ] );
fputs( ds, fh );

ts = StrFormat("%02.0f:%02.0f:%02.0f,",
r[ i ],e[ i ],n[ i ] );
fputs( ts, fh );

qs = StrFormat("%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.4f,%.0f\n",
O[ i ],H[ i ],L[ i ],C[ i ],V[ i ] );
fputs( qs, fh );

fclose( fh );

Buy = 0;

However when i run the scan file are exported with only one line data with header. can you please explain what more is required I have only one day intraday data in my data base and selected apply to all symbols and selected all range in AA



Active Member
hi nvksrinivas
Its great of you to offer help for importing intraday data in fibotrader.
keep up the good spirit
cheers !
with best wishes

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