Sharing some more thoughts
First decide the trading time frame.
If you looking at short-term trades, then you can go for moving averages which have less lag and overshoot. Adaptive moving averages like KAMA, VIDYA, are quite good.
You may also consider HULL or Tlsons T3. Ananths BB method on the histograms is a very good way to exploit the difference between two moving averages. But one draw back is the whipsaws and he is diligently working on it. Hope he will come out with some method to stay off the whipsaws soon.
If you were a position Trader, simple trend following methods would be fine. But trying to catch the bottom and the Top would be a waste of time. If one is able to catch a decent part of the trend ..say from 60 to 70 % he would make decent money. Try to make it simple at least in the beginning. You can look at complicated stuff later when you are in the habit of making decent returns.
Just remember the magic of compounding, a 3% percent return every fortnight would double your money in a year. Just four percent return in a month would give up about 1.5 time your money. You are not planning to become rich over night, are you?