Free data from NSENOW to AmiBroker via Excel

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Well-Known Member
Hi Josh1,
Thanks for this awesome application(NSE NOW RT2) you developed.And it is free!!!.This data is worth 1000 -1500 per month.
I have been using Linux for the last ten years or so. The free operating system comes along with Office Suite and thousands of useful applications. Ever since I came to know about this wonderful Operating System, I am using it and avoid using pirated software. Thousands of programmers around the world have contributed to the development of the OS and Office Suite and they have done it for free.
This is my small contribution to the world of Open Source Software. I felt that I can repay their obligation by developing an application and giving it for free.


Well-Known Member

completely agree with you about the open source platform and linux. in between i also use linux. started from redhat - all version till 2005. but main thing is taht i don't know whether Diet ODIN, NOE, Nest trader would run in that environment(linux). i never tried the WINE thing. if i get the proper answer that these TWS run in WINE then i am ready to use linux variant.

waiting reply not from you also from the forum about the TWS and WINE. herad that ami run in WINE but the Trader work station - ODIN, NOW, Nest trader



Well-Known Member

completely agree with you about the open source platform and linux. in between i also use linux. started from redhat - all version till 2005. but main thing is taht i don't know whether Diet ODIN, NOE, Nest trader would run in that environment(linux). i never tried the WINE thing. if i get the proper answer that these TWS run in WINE then i am ready to use linux variant.

waiting reply not from you also from the forum about the TWS and WINE. herad that ami run in WINE but the Trader work station - ODIN, NOW, Nest trader

AmiBroker runs faster under wine. Other applications do not. I have therefore installed VirtualBox in Linux and Windows 2003 64 bit within it. Internet browsing strictly in linux. Not seen virus for last 10 years.


Well-Known Member

how u run TWS under Ubunto or WINE or Virtual Box? another stuff - does NOWRT*.xlm runs under openoffice?

abut virus i know that stuff.

Hello Dr PKJ
the backfill part is a bit tricky. best part you can do is to use the hourly statistics data of NOW. only you have to customise the excel sheet where you are going to copy paste the data from hourly statistics. but the basic backfill part solution provided NOWRT.xlm doesnot work so efficiently. i personally use the hourly statistics or from market snapshot of Diet ODIN for the backfilling.

Hi sr114,
Thanks for your reply.I will try & see if the NOW hrly data can be used.Backfill of shorter timeframe was what I was looking for.Hope the issue will be addressed in due time.



Well-Known Member

how u run TWS under Ubunto or WINE or Virtual Box? another stuff - does NOWRT*.xlm runs under openoffice?

abut virus i know that stuff.

I have installed VirtualBox in Ubuntu and Windows inside VirtualBox - MS Office is installed in Windows. Start Machine i.e. Boot Ubuntu - Start VirtualBox- Boot Windows inside it - Start NOW - Start Excel(NOW-RT.xlsm).
Windows is required because, NOW does not runs only under Windows. As for NOW-RT.xlsm, I have not tried it in open office. May be I will first install Libre Office in Windows and test it.
I used you new excell sheet rt 2.1, then i am getting this message
you have selected incorrect directoy, choose adirectory with valid data or a empty directory
Uploaded NSE-NOW-RT2.1.xlsm. It will work for Windows 7 users.
1.It will automatically create C:\RT in Root directory if already not present. and create the file MyCSV.csv in that folder.
2.Checking of NOW running is disabled.
3."Trading Symbol" is used in all scrips instead of "Symbol"
4.Check for 0 (zero) in quotations disabled.
5. No need to turn off UAC. (not advisable)
Link is here-

Torrent link -
Login to download.

@ SR114 - Thanks in advance for giving torrent link

This one seems to have a bug, as soon as start button is pressed , ambibroker flashes wrong file selected
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