Tejas Khoday

Co-Founder & CEO, FYERS
Tejas 3 questions please

1) your DOM trading ladder is it static like jigsaw trader & X-trader or is it dynamic

2) as this is a web based service is it fast enough to place & execute orders for scalping, generally web based platforms are delayed & not real time so its impossible to scalp

3) Do you offer a DOM as a exe file instead of a web based service
Hello @aryabhatta ,

1. You can adjust the DOM to either be dynamic or static based on your preferences. Obviously, dynamic makes more sense.

2. It is as fast it can be at the moment. But one thing is for sure, with time we will only make it faster. Try it out and see for yourself. You can also view our video to get some insight.

3. Nope, we only offer web at the moment.

Tejas Khoday

Co-Founder & CEO, FYERS
The Intraday data backfill after yesterday's outage is not completed and hence there is a gap in the data from 12:15 to 1:13. This is going to give wrong reading in our indicators.
The intraday backfill has been done on Fyers One. It will be done on Fyers Web too. Hence, there will not be any wrong reading in your indicators. I'll let you know when it's done.

Tejas Khoday

Co-Founder & CEO, FYERS
According to this screenshot here, I am allowed to buy 4 IOC shares on bracket order.

But inspite of that my orders aren't going through, not even for 50% of the actual number of shares I am allowed for.

I hope this can be addressed. I am in a position where I can't make telephone calls and speak to the support.

Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk
Hi, the reason for the rejection reason is that you have not opened a demat account with us. Equity segment will obviously be available only if you have a demat account. Hence, the orders were rejected.
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According to this screenshot here, I am allowed to buy 4 IOC shares on bracket order.

But inspite of that my orders aren't going through, not even for 50% of the actual number of shares I am allowed for.

I hope this can be addressed. I am in a position where I can't make telephone calls and speak to the support.

Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk
Hi, the reason for the rejection reason is that you have not opened a demat account with us. Equity segment will obviously be available only if you have a demat account. Hence, the orders were rejected.
I didn't realise this at all. I'll send in my docs. Do I have to open a fresh demat account? I have a DP with Sharekhan already.

Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk

Tejas Khoday

Co-Founder & CEO, FYERS
I didn't realise this at all. I'll send in my docs. Do I have to open a fresh demat account? I have a DP with Sharekhan already.

Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk
It's alright. Yes, it's better if you open a fresh demat account with IL&FS. If you already have a demat account with them (CDSL), then it's easy to link if the POA is changed from your previous broker to us. Otherwise, opening a new demat account makes sense. You can link your sharekhan demat account too, but we only allow intraday trarding if you do that.
I didn't realise this at all. I'll send in my docs. Do I have to open a fresh demat account? I have a DP with Sharekhan already.

Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk
It's alright. Yes, it's better if you open a fresh demat account with IL&FS. If you already have a demat account with them (CDSL), then it's easy to link if the POA is changed from your previous broker to us. Otherwise, opening a new demat account makes sense. You can link your sharekhan demat account too, but we only allow intraday trarding if you do that.
Thanks so much! I think I ll do it right away. Opening a new demat account I think makes more sense because I plan to funnel some intraday savings into long term equity as well.

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Well-Known Member
The circular is not about increase of lot sizes, rather about the eligibility criteria for stocks to remain in F&O segment and physical settlement of stock derivatives
I read somewhere (not able to find the link again, will try to search), that the inherent effect of this move will culminate into increase in lot sizes. Good if the lot sizes do not change.
I read somewhere (not able to find the link again, will try to search), that the inherent effect of this move will culminate into increase in lot sizes. Good if the lot sizes do not change.
Whether they increase lot-sizes or not, they seem to be intent on cutting retail participation in the F&O segment, & IF they succeed (irrespective of HOW they do it), then the liquidity & volumes will likely fall & spreads will widen, which will make F&O contracts less tradeable, leading to further decreases in volumes & liquidity, & so on, like a downward spiral.