General Trading Chat

Bad day for me today 3% loss and two in-disciplinary trades. Don't know when I am going to learn discipline :D
Guess what I did ?? Sold BNF 18200PE @ 76. Good trade, it kept going down to below 60, but suddenly spiked up. I placed a buy order @72 and it got executed. Good, no loss. Then after a while I noted in admin positions that I had 2 entries for the scrip.. 1) sell at 76 (MIS) and 2) buy at 72 (NRML) !! To cut a long story short, while I did manage to scratch a cut-to-cut trade out of it, I lost the profit of about 70 points !!
Guess what I did ?? Sold BNF 18200PE @ 76. Good trade, it kept going down to below 60, but suddenly spiked up. I placed a buy order @72 and it got executed. Good, no loss. Then after a while I noted in admin positions that I had 2 entries for the scrip.. 1) sell at 76 (MIS) and 2) buy at 72 (NRML) !! To cut a long story short, while I did manage to scratch a cut-to-cut trade out of it, I lost the profit of about 70 points !!
Sorry for the mismatch loss
But it happens when we trade in both MIS and NRML


Well-Known Member
Bad day for me today 3% loss and two in-disciplinary trades. Don't know when I am going to learn discipline :D

Today this was my condition, btw I am Thomas in this case :p

Bro !!!

Profit and loss/s are part of the package..but keeping our-self in calm and composed manner is bit difficult thing...our sense of humor will help us to digest our little failure/s :)
btw every body is Thomas one or other day !! ;)

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