General Trading Chat

ST Da,

Ravi's signature say "Actually there is a small number of day traders - maybe 1% - who make money day trading."Is it really true ???

Whats your experience on success as a day traders...I can find many successful day traders in this forum itself..1% seems to be too low.
6-8 % could be profit making traders. But the consistant winners could be 3-5 % in my view...give or take a few % points.



Well-Known Member
Guess what I did ?? Sold BNF 18200PE @ 76. Good trade, it kept going down to below 60, but suddenly spiked up. I placed a buy order @72 and it got executed. Good, no loss. Then after a while I noted in admin positions that I had 2 entries for the scrip.. 1) sell at 76 (MIS) and 2) buy at 72 (NRML) !! To cut a long story short, while I did manage to scratch a cut-to-cut trade out of it, I lost the profit of about 70 points !!
Sad to hear bro, losses on last day of the week some what disgust me and hope you too :(

Lets be battle ready for monday and make a killing next week :)


Well-Known Member
Bro !!!

Profit and loss/s are part of the package..but keeping our-self in calm and composed manner is bit difficult thing...our sense of humor will help us to digest our little failure/s :)
btw every body is Thomas one or other day !! ;)
Yeah Xray bro, 3% loss is not a big deal, since I risk 0.75 to 1.25% in my trades depending on the validity of the trades, the only thing I got frustrated about was not following the rules, I have just three core rules, do not trade before 1.30PM and do not take more than 5 trades a day, do not take trades if 4% loss is reached for the day.

Out of the above three rules I broke two today, that is what is something that needs to be reviewed, just a day and that too expiry day, so cannot blame my system for this :D
Sorry for the mismatch loss
But it happens when we trade in both MIS and NRML
Sad to hear bro, losses on last day of the week some what disgust me and hope you too :(

Lets be battle ready for monday and make a killing next week :)
Thank God, it wasn't a loss overall. As I wrote, I did manage a scratch trade, got maybe 100Rs :D

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