General Trading Chat

RIP Shri. Paragji Parikh

Not following signal is dangerous everywhere, in markets & on roads. Real sad part is his employee was driving the car and he suffered... :down:

“Police said the Jetta was eastbound on Shirley Street when it stopped at a sign at 63rd. Believing the way was clear, Thakkar accelerated into the intersection and the Jetta’s passenger side was struck by Vacek’s pick-up,” the report said."

From Bis-std news ....


Sad News : "Ace investor Parag Parikh dies in car accident in USA".He had gone there to attend Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathway annual investor conference..... we lost one of the finest wealth creators of Indian Stock Markets...May His Soul Rest in Peace.

Holy Grail for Bull Market Tops ..... :thumb:
Nice summary ST da.

Thanks & Regards,

Watched a nice discussion on TV. Thought of sharing some points as under :

The participants were FII and fund managers like Ridham Desai, N Jaikumar,Ramesh Damani, Vibhav Kapur and Sushil Kedia. The topic was whether the ongoing bull market has still more steam left or we are near the end of the bull market ( or already seen a bull market top at 9200...

All participants felt that bull market has many more years to go...the signs of bull market topping out was not seen and the signs are as under :

1) Inflation goes up and out of Govt's control.

2) Interest rates are high.

3) The excesses are clearly seen. Markets gallop and the last phase is a blow off phase where markets go up few % points every day.

4) Cats and Dogs shares and shares with poor fundamentals go to dizzy proportions.

5) Retail participation increases and the retail gets trapped at the bull market top.

6)Traders find it very easy to make huge gains ,your driver or maid servant's husband will tell you how he made money in stocks....that is a sure sign of top approaching.Rikshaw drivers,taxi drivers will talk about stock market gains.

7) After the top, the market will crash and will come down not by 8-10 % but 50-60 % from the top....traders and investors trapped will get devastated.

8) Everyone even new investors will find making money in the market very easy and they will get sucked in...

Having seen atleast 4 bull and bear market cycles I agree with most of the observations....and hence thought of view is also that we are not even at 1/3 distance in the current bull market.Corrections of 8-12 % will keep coming in between...

In addition to the above points:

1) At bull market top, there will be business magazine interviews of brokers,fund managers and large traders.

2) There will be sudden rush for companies to come out with share issues and these issues will get hugely oversubscribed irrespective of the merits of the issue.

3)There will be rush of mutual fund houses floating all kind of fancy funds with innovative names.

4) All traders ( even 1 -2 months experienced traders) will start feeling that they are the Market Wizards and they have figured out everything about the market...

5) Traders will start aggressively managing outside money promising very high % returns to the investors.

6) Traders will be the most popular people at parties with everyone asking for tips to make money.

yes !! yes !!

same story...a NTD day..:D

I am a trader for last 10 years.

In last 2 years I have deviced a strategy, so noble that let's me trade intraday almost everyday, so I can say with 100% surity that everyday is a day trading day, there are stops there are profit targets and there is money in the markets almost everyday. Yes stop loss will hit a lot of times but........ Profits will be hit even more times so we can be in profits at the end of every month no matter what

I know it sounds ridiculous but it's true for me for last 2 years

Today made 35 points in longs
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I am a trader for last 10 years.

In last 2 years I have deviced a strategy, so noble that let's me trade intraday almost everyday, so I can say with 100% surity that everyday is a day trading day, there are stops there are profit targets and there is money in the markets almost everyday. Yes stop loss will hit a lot of times but........

I know it sounds ridiculous but it's true for me for last 2 years

Today made 35 points in longs
I am sure that your strategy will be so "noble" that you will not share it with less noble people here. So posts like this does not serve any useful purpose.It raises few doubts in mind though about the purpose of such posts.


Dax Devil

Well-Known Member
Thanks for enlightening me :D ;)
As a trader your join date is kinda prehistoric for me. I started my internship at hospital in 2006-7. Trading came years later. Anyhow such a long time in the market sort of tell me that not only should be enlightened but have already acheived trading nirvana. Anyway, stay enlightened, friend, and gooluck.

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