General Trading Chat


Well-Known Member
To all the members,

Our forum is for sharing of trading ideas,helping traders and not for bragging and showing how superior one is. We all know that TJ is a fertile ground for tipsters, call providers and there were many attempts of solicitations under disguise. These IDs were banned but this being a fertile ground, these members will always be coming back under new IDs for reasons best known to them and frequent the popular active threads of our forum.. But we should not allow this platform for any such solicitations.

Members can discuss views, trading ideas but posts like I bought here and made so many points on my secret system serves no useful purpose( unless whys and hows are also discussed) for the forum or its members and such posts will be deleted in future.

Dada !!!
Tipster babus finding difficult to attract crowds these days in TJ thanks to SEBI rules..hence firing on me... :D :D and other members...some are super traders and gyaani who can double there capital every 12 to 18 months..but never ever dare to show contract note..:annoyed::annoyed::mad:
This forum is for learning and earning not for earning on clients:D
Dada !!!
Tipster babus finding difficult to attract crowds these days in TJ thanks to SEBI rules..hence firing on me... :D :D and other members...some are super traders and gyaani who can double there capital every 12 to 18 months..but never ever dare to show contract note..:annoyed::annoyed::mad:
This forum is for learning and earning not for earning on clients:D
It was a genuine post quote dude just to give you perspective , check above you got a contract note too

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